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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter February 4, 2016

The pleasure of mudslinging: an invective dialogue in verse from 10th century Byzantium

  • Emilie van Opstall EMAIL logo
From the journal Byzantinische Zeitschrift


This article discusses an invective dialogue in verse between two 10th century intellectuals: the poet John Geometres and a certain Stylianos. Their lampoons offer a unique instance of internal reader response and invite us to reflect on their contemporary performance and circulation. They illustrate the intense social envy of the time, leading to the debunking of the intellectual abilities of others and to boastful self-representation. The article proposes a new edition of the text, followed by a translation (section I), notes on language and style (section II) and observations on the form and dynamics of the dialogue (section III).

Online erschienen: 2016-2-4
Erschienen im Druck: 2015-12-1

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