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Hellenismos tra filologia e grammatica – riflessioni antiche sulla correttezza della lingua

  • Lara Pagani EMAIL logo
From the journal Philologus


The article traces the development, starting from the early Alexandrian age, of theoretical reflections on language correctness (hellenismos) in the ancient Greek world. Particular emphasis is placed on the period from the second century BC to the first century AD, recognizing a continuity in the trend of linguistic studies inaugurated by the Hellenistic philologists. Three stages are identified: inclusion of hellenismos (or some of its criteria) among the “parts” of grammatike, i.e. the discipline directed towards understanding and interpreting literary texts; the rise of discussions on the value of analogy and on the way it interacts with synetheia (usage), and also on the conditions for its proper application; finally the emergence of treatises dedicated to the subject of hellenismos or some of its specific aspects. Although the evidence is very fragmentary and therefore requires caution, the resulting picture suggests that there was an evolution in reflection, the seeds of which were sown through the activity of the philologists/grammarians of the early Hellenistic period, representing a continuity that seems to perpetuate the mingling of literary and language interests that originated in the early Alexandrian age.


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Published Online: 2014-11-8
Published in Print: 2014-11-1

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