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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter May 9, 2020

The rhetorical works of the school of Gaza

  • Robert J. Penella EMAIL logo
From the journal Byzantinische Zeitschrift


This paper surveys the rhetorical works of the so-called School of Gaza of the late fifth and early sixth centuries in light of the recent wave of scholarship on the School. It focuses on themes, rhetorical genres, and structural features. The Gazan repertoire includes “real life” orations, declamations, dialexeis, progymnasmatic pieces, and oratorical paratexts such as preliminary dialexeis and protheōriai. The paper seeks to provide a map to this important but neglected body of texts, synthesizing recent scholarship and adding some of the author’s own observations along the way.

Online erschienen: 2020-05-09
Erschienen im Druck: 2020-05-01

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