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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton March 27, 2015

Language, communication, and speech: Human signs in global semiosis

Supplemented by an interview with Thomas A. Sebeok

  • Susan Petrilli

    Susan Petrilli (b. 1954) is an associate professor at the University of Bari Aldo Moro <>. Her research areas include semiotics, translation theory, philosophy of language, and linguistics. Her publications include Riflessioni sulla teoria del linguaggio e dei segni (2014); Sign studies and semioethics (2014); Nella vita dei segni (2015); Victoria Welby and the science of signs (2015).

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From the journal Semiotica


The main topics in this essay are reported in the section titles: Moving towards global semiotics; Encounters; Terminological issues and semiotic horizons; On biosemiotics and its recent history; Signs and life, the Gaia hypothesis; Signs and non-signs; Icon, index and symbol; Speech, language, and modelling; Communication and speech; Communication among others; Homologies and analogies in zoosemiosis; Totality and otherness; Otherness and nomination; Semiosis with language and semiosis without language. This theoretical excursus concludes with an interview with Professor Sebeok from the mid-1980s, here published in English for the first time.

About the author

Susan Petrilli

Susan Petrilli (b. 1954) is an associate professor at the University of Bari Aldo Moro <>. Her research areas include semiotics, translation theory, philosophy of language, and linguistics. Her publications include Riflessioni sulla teoria del linguaggio e dei segni (2014); Sign studies and semioethics (2014); Nella vita dei segni (2015); Victoria Welby and the science of signs (2015).

Published Online: 2015-3-27
Published in Print: 2015-4-1

©2015 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Boston

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