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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton November 10, 2006

Meaning, metaphor, and interpretation: Modeling new worlds

  • Susan Petrilli

    Susan Petrilli (b. 1954). Her research interests include sign theory, subject theory, theory of meaning and language, communication theory, problems of ideology, translation theory. Her recent publications include La raffigurazione letteraria (2005); Semiotics Unbounded. Interpretive Routes through the Open Network of Signs (2005); Percorsi della semiotica (2005); The Semiotic Animal (with J. Deely, 2005); Tesi per il futuro anteriore della semiotica (with C. Caputo, 2006).

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From the journal Semiotica


Metaphor is founded in the logic of otherness and excess and involves a movement of displacement that leads sense outside the sphere of the same, the commonplace, plain meaning. The processes of metaphorization activate interpretive trajectories in the sign network that may be distant from each other, and favor the migration of sense through interpretive and translative processes among signs. Associations and interconnections are created in the sign network on the basis of similarity understood à la Peirce in terms of affinity and attraction. Such associations are not only of the analogical type but also of the homological. Metaphor is structural to the acquisition of knowledge, to inferential procedure; it is the place where sense is generated in human language systems. The capacity for metaphor is specifically human and is connected with the human primary modeling device, the human capacity for creativity, innovation, the play of musement.

About the author

Susan Petrilli

Susan Petrilli (b. 1954). Her research interests include sign theory, subject theory, theory of meaning and language, communication theory, problems of ideology, translation theory. Her recent publications include La raffigurazione letteraria (2005); Semiotics Unbounded. Interpretive Routes through the Open Network of Signs (2005); Percorsi della semiotica (2005); The Semiotic Animal (with J. Deely, 2005); Tesi per il futuro anteriore della semiotica (with C. Caputo, 2006).

Published Online: 2006-11-10
Published in Print: 2006-08-01

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