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Open Access Published by De Gruyter December 16, 2010

Moral Judgments, Moral Virtues, and Moral Norms

  • Miroslav Popper
From the journal Human Affairs

Moral Judgments, Moral Virtues, and Moral Norms

The paper consists of two basic parts. In the first, contemporary approaches to moral judgments and their relations with moral virtues and moral norms are analyzed. The focus is on comparing the role of the emotions and reason, and conscious and unconscious processes in forming and/or justifying moral judgments. The second part examines views on the current broader socio-political situation in Western countries and points to the growing feelings of insecurity among people mainly due to the fact that traditional ways of life have been losing solid ground, settled (social) norms and ethical systems are weakening and at the same time the social trust in various state institutions and bureaucratic structures involved in power is decreasing. In conclusion the author argues for the potential of the ethic of autonomy that would lead to still greater cooperation in globalized ethic, primarily thanks to our moral emotions and moral judgments.


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Published Online: 2010-12-16
Published in Print: 2010-12-01

© 2010 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Boston

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