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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton February 22, 2013

An information-based semiotic analysis of theories concerning theories

  • Vern S. Poythress

    Vern S. Poythress (b. 1946) is a professor at Westminster Theological Seminary 〈〉. His research interests include hermeneutics, mathematical linguistics, and theology. His publications include The gender-neutral Bible controversy (2000); Redeeming science (2006); In the beginning was the word: Language – a God-centered approach (2009); and Redeeming sociology (2011).

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From the journal Semiotica


A model of semiotic theory informed by information theory can be adapted to provide a simple theory concerning theories, and to model changes in theories over time. The model appropriates from tagmemic theory the fundamental features of contrast, variation, and distribution that characterize emic units. It then applies these features to second-order theories about theories. The specification of behavior of emic units at this second-order level puts constraints on the expected form of first-order theories and changes in time to first-order theories. A key feature in the constraint on first-order theories is the feature of symmetry. Second-order theory leads to an expectation that shifts in perspective in first-order theories can take three forms: (1) contrastive shifts, due to adding or subtracting emic units; (2) variational shifts, due to changes in probability estimates for co-occurrence; and (3) distributional shifts, due to global change in the system of units. The model for second-order theory is applied specifically to phonology, music, and Newton's laws of motion (treated as a semiotic system).

Westminster Theological Seminary

About the author

Vern S. Poythress

Vern S. Poythress (b. 1946) is a professor at Westminster Theological Seminary 〈〉. His research interests include hermeneutics, mathematical linguistics, and theology. His publications include The gender-neutral Bible controversy (2000); Redeeming science (2006); In the beginning was the word: Language – a God-centered approach (2009); and Redeeming sociology (2011).

Published Online: 2013-02-22
Published in Print: 2013-02-22

©[2013] by Walter de Gruyter Berlin Boston

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