Erratum to: J Bus Ethics DOI 10.1007/s10551-015-2548-x

Presentation of the research model

The results are correct, but there is a mistake in the article that reduces the understanding of the research model and of the results.

In the following sentences from the article, the word “person” should be replaced by the word “group”, which modifies the interpretation of the research model and of the results:

Page 2: Incorrect: The model involved hypotheses at both the within-person and between-person levels.

Correct: The model involved hypotheses at both the within-group and between-group levels.

Figure 1 on page 3: Incorrect: Between-person level" and "Within-person level.

Correct: Between-group level" and "Within-group level

Page 11: Incorrect: The research model involved hypotheses at both the within-person and between-person levels, and was tested in two steps. First, within-person Hypotheses 1–4 were tested using the full data sample... Second, between-person Hypotheses 5a and 5b were analyzed using the multi-sample invariance technique.

Correct: The research model involved hypotheses at both the within-group and between-group levels, and was tested in two steps. First, within-group Hypotheses 1–4 were tested using the full data sample... Second, between-group Hypotheses 5a and 5b were analyzed using the multi-sample invariance technique.

Pages 11 and 13: Under the Title "Hypothesis Testing" (p.11), the following subtitles are also incorrect

Incorrect: Within-Person Level (p. 11), and Between-Person Level (p. 13).

Correct: Within-Group Level (p. 11), and Between-Group Level (p. 13).