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Meinong on Emotional Truth

From the book Psychological Themes in the School of Alexius Meinong

  • Venanzio Raspa


Truth is a semantic notion. However, it can involve our whole being, including our emotional part. This article explores the somewhat puzzling notion of emotional truth from a Meinongian perspective. According to Meinong, knowledge is justified true judgment, but a kind of justification belongs to emotions, too. A value is objective when its valuation does not rest on false premises (judgments) as in the case of superstition. In a similar way, an emotion which is triggered by a judgment is justified if the related judgment is justified as well. Emotional truth is the kind of truth which gives rise to a justified knowledgefeeling, where a knowledge-feeling is that feeling by which we feel the value of a truth, that is, of a justified judgment which in turn justifies the emotion connected to it.

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