In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Supplement News from the Russell Editorial Project Edited by Richard A. Rempel, with Diane M. Kerss, and Sheila Turcon BERTRAND RUSSELL'S EARLY TECHNICAL PHILOSOPHY, 1895-1924 A conference on Russell's early technical philosophy will take place at Trinity College, University of Toronto, 21-24 June 1984. The conference is co-sponsored by the Bertrand Russell Editorial Project of McMaster University, the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology at the University ofToronto, and the Higher Education Group at The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education~ The conference will cover Russell's work on the foundations of geometry, his plans for an encyclopedia of the sciences, his work on Leibniz, the early logical manuscripts, The Principles of Mathematics, philosophical issues relating to Principia Mathematica (the paradoxes, the axiom of choice, the theory of descriptions, the theory oftypes), his early work on theory of knowledge, philosophy of science, and logical atomism. Among the participants will beA. J. Ayerand W. V. O. Quine. The annual meeting of the Bertrand Russell Society willcoincide with the conference. The registration fee for the conference will be approximately C$40, and accommodation can be arranged in Trinity College, Toronto. For information on registration and accommodation, please write to Ian Winchester, Coordinator of The Russell Conference '84, the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Suite 9-196, 252 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ont., Canada M5S IV6. There is still room for some parallel sessions. For those interested in contributing a paper, please send an abstract of the proposed paper. 189 ...

