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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by Gütersloher Verlagshaus September 9, 2014

Menschenrechte zwischen Universalismus und Relativismus

Eine Problemanzeige

  • Hans-Richard Reuter


The universal applicability of human rights outside the circle of European culture is not only a subject of political controversy, but a challenge to political and moral theory, too. The contribution argues with three types of relativistic criticism of human rihgts' universality: ethical particularism, political realism, and cultural contextualism. Defending the intercultural validity of the human rights' concept, the author pleads for a threefold distincion: between the right and the good, between basic and derivative rights, between penultimate reasons of human rights and ultimate foundations to them.

Online erschienen: 2014-9-9
Erschienen im Druck: 1996-2-1

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