Eurocomunismo y Estado

Santiago Carrillo, Eurocomunismo y Estado. Barcelona: Critica (Grijalbo), 1977. 218 pages.
Fernando Claudin, Eurocomunismo y Socialismo. Madrid: Siglo XXI, 1977. 181 pages.


Eurocommunism is a phenomenon which goes beyond the theoretical and political debate, to enter into the field of international relations. Recently this aspect has had two protagonists—Brezhnev and Carrillo, the USSR and the Secretary General of the Spanish Communist Party. Under these conditions, it will be useful to clarify and review Carrillo's opinions as well as those of Claudin, the well-known author of The Crisis of the Communist Movement who belonged to the Spanish Communist Party until the early sixties when he was expelled by Carrillo for holding positions very close to the present Spanish communist strategy. In addition to illustrating the kind of orthodox past from which eurocommunism has emerged (only in 1968, after Carrillo's condemnation of the Czechoslovakia invasion, eurocommunist ideas began to shape the Spanish Communist Party), this makes Claudin an outstanding interlocutor of Carrillo.

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