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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter February 12, 2015

Romanos Melodos on the Raising of Lazarus

  • Barbara Saylor Rodgers EMAIL logo
From the journal Byzantinische Zeitschrift


Through a close reading of Kontakion XXVI, this paper demonstrates that Romanos the Melodist provides a novel treatment of the raising of Lazarus, omitting most of the details from the gospel of John and avoiding many of the themes found in prose commentators on the episode. Romanos’ understanding of the story is based more upon Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians than on the context in the gospel where it is found. In this kontakion, Lazarus’ resuscitation demonstrates the power of faith and affirms belief in the resurrection of Christ. Romanos employs the device of having one’s enemy proclaim one’s victory when he adapts themes and methods of Syriac dispute poems to reinforces this message of faith and resurrection via the testimony of Hades and Thanatos in the second half of the kontakion.

Online erschienen: 2015-2-12
Erschienen im Druck: 2014-12-1

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