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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton October 1, 2014

Minimal acting: On the existential gap between theatre and performance art

  • Eli Rozik

    Eli Rozik (b. 1932) is Professor Emeritus at Tel Aviv University 〈〉. His research interests include. His publications include theatre semiotics, speech act theory, and non-verbal communication in theatre performance analysis. His publications include The fictional arts: An inter-art journey from theatre to the arts (2011); Comedy: A critical introduction (2011); Jewish drama and theatre: from rabbinical intolerance to secular liberalism (2013); and Theatre sciences: A plea for a multidisciplinary approach to theatre studies (2014).

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From the journal Semiotica


Following Richard Schechner, a current view is that the common denominator of theatre and performance art lies in their encounter of live performers and live spectators; i.e., in being subspecies of “performance.” That theatre is a performing art cannot be denied. However, I suggest here that (a) the category of “performance” is too abstract in order to learn anything about each of these artistic activities; (b) in contrast to performance art, the specific difference of theatre lies in the principle of “deflection of reference” that characterizes “acting”; and (c) this is not a matter of gradation, but of an existential gap.

About the author

Eli Rozik

Eli Rozik (b. 1932) is Professor Emeritus at Tel Aviv University 〈〉. His research interests include. His publications include theatre semiotics, speech act theory, and non-verbal communication in theatre performance analysis. His publications include The fictional arts: An inter-art journey from theatre to the arts (2011); Comedy: A critical introduction (2011); Jewish drama and theatre: from rabbinical intolerance to secular liberalism (2013); and Theatre sciences: A plea for a multidisciplinary approach to theatre studies (2014).

Published Online: 2014-10-1
Published in Print: 2014-10-1

©2014 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Munich/Boston

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