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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by Akademie Verlag May 7, 2014

Non aliud quam docta ignorantia. Wegmarken einer Transzendentalphilosophie des Transzendenten bei Nikolaus von Kues

  • Harald Schwaetzer EMAIL logo
From the journal Das Mittelalter


The essay seeks to provide an introduction to the philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa, drawing on his major works to discuss fundamental concepts like ‘learned ignorance’ (docta ignorantia), ‘conjecture’ (coniectura) and ‘living image’ (viva imago), with a focus on his epistemology and anthropology. It is argued that Cusa puts forward a transcendental philosophy which sees the transcendent God as an archetype of the human mind. The resulting conception of the human mind as a thinking subject has a close affinity with the Neo-Kantian philosophy of existence of Heinrich Barth (1890–1965). In conclusion, the author proposes an additional connection between Cusa and modern themes, by proposing ideas about contemporary education inspired by Nicholas of Cusa.

Published Online: 2014-5-7
Published in Print: 2014-5-1

© 2014 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin Boston

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