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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by Gütersloher Verlagshaus September 9, 2014

»We gonna bin laden them!«

Überlegungen zu einer methodologisch-kommunitaristischen Friedensethik

  • Heinrich Schäfer


Actual armed conflict develops to a large extent as »New Wars« (Kaldor, Münkler). Meanwhile traditional peace ethics address either the global/regional or the local level, the dynamicss of New Wars and the according peace building strategies of »peace constituencies« (Lederach) create a new »glocal« (Robertson) field of action. The challenge for Christian peace ethics is now to find a third way between universalistic and communitarian approaches. In this essay the author proposes a »methodological communitarianism« that roots in Bourdieuian sociology and philosophical thinking of Michael Walzer and Richard Rorty. It connects »thick« morals to »thin« principles in the peace constituenties’ task to build bridges between mutally excluding morals. Thus, it is suitable to model Christian peace ethics for this specific new challenge

Online erschienen: 2014-9-9
Erschienen im Druck: 2007-8-1

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