This issue of JICPR is coming during the time when this world is under upheaval due to Covid-19 pandemic. The articles in this issue of JICPR are quite philosophical. The paper “Notion of Intentionality in Vijňānavāda” written by Surya Kant Maharana stipulates the comparison between the notion of intentionality of Edmund Husserl and Vijňānavāda. In the article “Some Implications of Arguing that Deliberation is Purely Rational”, the author Emmanuel Ifeanyi Ani has articulated that persuasion (and hence deliberation) is not an entirely logical activity. Human beings have to recognize the influence of non-rational factors. In “Michel Foucault on Regenerative Relatedness of Power/Knowledge and Truth”, Jagdish Basumatary contemplated about the thought of Michel Foucault with the reference of Power, Knowledge and Truth. C.D. Sebastian has tried to focus on the revisit of the R.S. Bhatnagar’s notion of negation in the light of Bhatnagar’s thought in his article named “The Splendour of Negation: R.S. Bhatnagar Revisited with a Buddhist Tinge”. Bansidhar Deep, the author of the “Lived Experience and the Idea of the Social in Alfred Schutz: A Phenomenological Study of Contemporary Relevance” investigates lived experience from the third-person perspective in his paper. In this order, article entitled “Rawls’ Idea of a Liberal Self: A Communitarian Critique” by Arup Jyoti Sharma attempts to examine communitarian critiques of Rawls’ liberal self. It also talks about the concept of justice in the liberal tradition. In “Dignāga and Dharmakīrtī on Fallacies of Inference: Some Reflections”, Bhima Kumar Kukkamalla attempted to discuss on fallacy with reference to Naiyayikas, Dignāga and Dharmkīrtī. The paper entitled “Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj: A Philosophical Appraisal” by Ratikanta Panda attempts to deal with the philosophical significance of the concept of swaraj. Jan Mohammad Lone has articulated the philosophical comparison of Ramanuja’s and Sirhindi’s epistemological views in his paper entitled “A Comparative Study of Ramanuja’s and Sirhindi’s Epistemological Views”. Sagarika Datta concentrated on the views of Aristotle in her article entitled “Aristotelian Essence and It’s Critical Approach”. She has discussed the doctrine of essentialism. Aditya Kumar Jha has tried to elucidate Dignāga’s hetu-cakra by decoding it into probabilistic mathematical model in his article “A Mathematical Model of Dignāga’s Hetu-cakra”. Enakshi Ray Mitra has tried paradigmatic reconstruction of Gandhian caturvarṇa in the light of the notion of niṣkāma karma.

The festive season is about to begin in India. I extend my greetings and thanks to all the authors and the members of the editorial board. It is my pleasure to release the September 2020 issue of JICPR. Philosophical reflections are welcomed.

Ramesh Chandra Sinha