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“Thinker without Category”

Kierkegaard in Heidegger’s Thinking of the 1930s

From the book Kierkegaard's Existential Approach

  • Gerhard Thonhauser


In contrast to the focus on Being and Time in traditional accounts of the Kierkegaard-Heidegger relationship, new sources reveal that Heidegger referred to Kierkegaard much more frequently during the 1930s. In the note “My Relation to Kierkegaard” Heidegger’s presents his own account of this relationship. Discussing Heidegger’s account, my essay focuses on Kierkegaard’s role in Heidegger’s history of being: First, I highlight two reasons why Heidegger considers Kierkegaard a Hegelian. Second, I show that it was not the turn to Nietzsche that caused Heidegger to move away from Kierkegaard but a later transformation of his view that excluded Kierkegaard from that history. Finally, I provide an account of Heidegger’s understanding of Kierkegaard and especially his take on Kierkegaard’s Christianity.

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