Pragmatism, Organic Intellectuals and Social Transformation

Cornel West The American Evasion of Philosophy: A Genealogy of Pragmatism (The University of Wisconsin Press: Madison, WI and London, 1989), 279pp.


West's study of American pragmatism attempts to redefine the social and political role of intellectuals in the American context. Drawing on Gramsci's discussion of “organic” and “traditional” intellectuals, West argues that most philosophers believe they have transcended contemporary problems and have used their privileged viewpoint to ponder transhistorical truths about the world and knowledge. The urge to transcend the contingency of social systems and to discover foundations for universal knowledge is misconceived. By ignoring their social position and obligation in favor of focusing on irrelevant issues, traditional intellectuals have become isolated from politics. This has come at the cost of social and political thought. Descartes, Locke, Hume, Kant, and Hegel all fall into this traditional camp (36).

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