Metrodoro di Lampsaco critico di Posidippo? Su AP IX 360

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Metrodoro di Lampsaco critico di Posidippo? Su AP IX 360
Verde, Francesco

From the journal Hermes Hermes, Volume 146, September 2018, issue 3

Published by Franz Steiner Verlag

miscellaneous, 5550 Words
Original language: Italian
Hermes 2018, pp 358-367


This short note deals with an epigram preserved by the Anthologia Palatina Book IX (360) attributed to a Metrodorus whom, especially for chronological reasons, one tends to identify with the Epicurean Metrodorus of Lampsacus, at least from the Phoinix von Kolophon by Gustav Adolph Gerhard (1909). This epigram looks like a “symmetrical” polemical reply to the immediately preceding one (AP IX 359), which can be attributed (but not without difficulty) to the Hellenistic poet Posidippus. The careful historical-philosophical examination of the contents of this alleged Epicurean epigram (360) leads to believe that it is basically impossible that the author is an Epicurean philosopher such as Metrodorus.

Author information

Francesco Verde