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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter (A) January 18, 2022

Pandemic and the Consequences of Social Vulnerability for the Transformation into a Syndemic in Brazil

  • Karina Limonta Vieira
From the journal Paragrana


Pandemics are faced with uncertain scenarios, environmental, economic and/or social crises, generating negative impacts on society, which are further aggravated in a context of social vulnerability. This text aims to present and reflect on the transformation of a pandemic into a syndemic in Brazil due to the consequences of social vulnerability. How and why can a pandemic turn into a syndemic given the consequences of social vulnerability that plague Brazil? Understanding the factors and effects of social vulnerability, as well as the consequences of social vulnerability in Brazil, lead to the search for new sustainable dynamics in the face of crises and uncertainties through global action and an education aimed at dealing with the challenges of vulnerability.


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Published Online: 2022-01-18
Published in Print: 2021-12-20

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