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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter April 7, 2015

Homo biotechnologicus

  • Emil Višňovský
From the journal Human Affairs


The paper outlines the concept of the human being as homo biotechnologicus. This concept is just one version of many possible human self-interpretations, since human beings can answer their own fundamental question of ‘who are we?’ simply using their ‘human, all too human’ self-descriptions. However, technology is a substantial part of the human being as a natural being, and biotechnology is, moreover, its root. The biotechnology of today’s world means that humanity is set on a path to transcending its own human nature, with all the risky consequences that entails. The author considers these radical developments from the standpoint of posthumanism


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Published Online: 2015-04-07
Published in Print: 2015-04-01

© Institute for Research in Social Communication, Slovak Academy of Sciences

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