KarlKorsch: Revolutionary Theory

Douglas Kellner, ed., KarlKorsch: Revolutionary Theory. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1977.


Continuing the New Left's revival of Karl Korsch in the late 1960s, recent Korsch translations, anthologies, and critical studies have appeared everywhere in Europe. Aside from theorists such as Bottomore, Harrington, and Aronowitz who acknowledge a certain indebtedness to Korsch, the bulk of the recent critical reception of Korsch in America has generally reflected Vajda's critique and shared his sentiment—“If today Korsch serves as a theoretical basis for New Left movements, it only proves the truth of our critique.”

Karl Korsch: Revolutionary Theory is presented, however, as an attempt “to provide the necessary prerequisites for a critical Korsch reception in the English-speaking world” (p. 105).

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