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Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil


The growth of research in Music Education in Brazil, together with the advancement of ethical care in research, originated this research that aimed to investigate aspects related to ethical care in research in Music Education in Brazil, based on Resolution No. 510/2016, which deals with ethics in research with human beings. Data were collected via Internet, in the journal of the Brazilian Association of Music Education (known by the acronym ABEM), with a time frame from 2016 to 2022. As a result, five papers were found. It is understood, in this sense, that there is room for the growth of investigations in Music Education that deal with research ethics. Despite the advances in legislation regarding research ethics, as well as the need for investigations in Music Education to also consider these issues in their data collection and analysis, the theme has still been little considered in methodological procedures.


ethics, ethical criteria, music education research

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Cristina Rolim Wolffenbüttel. (2023). Ethical Criteria in Research in Music Education in Brazil. Philosophy Study, May 2023, Vol. 13, No. 5, 229-239.


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