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The Geography of the Hittite Empire and the Distribution of Luwian Hieroglyphic Seals

  • Fred C. Woudhuizen EMAIL logo
From the journal Klio


The work on the reconstruction of the geography of the Hittite Empire, in particular that of its western province, has recently received a more solid footing than before owing to the combined efforts of a number of scholars in the field. The framework presently applied, in the eyes of the author, only needs to be refined with respect to some minor details. Of some help in this undertaking is the fact that the extension of the Hittite Empire happens to be neatly reflected in the distribution zone of Luwian hieroglyphic Late Bronze Age seals or sealings. Some of these Luwian hieroglyphic seals or sealings, however, are of no use in this latter context as they antedate the Hittite Empire and belong to the Middle Bronze Age. Now, as a kind of by-product of our improved knowledge about the geography of western Anatolia it seems that also the answer to the vexed problem of the origins of the Luwian hieroglyphic script comes within reach if we look at the distribution pattern and in this undertaking differentiate seals from sealings.


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Published in Print: 2015-7-1

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