On the Practical Philosophy of Law

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On the Practical Philosophy of Law
Zheng, Yongliu

From the journal ARSP Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Volume 105, December 2019, issue 4

Published by Franz Steiner Verlag

article, 8262 Words
Original language: German
ARSP 2019, pp 508-522


Practical philosophy of law is a theory about concrete existence of law which holds that due to the asymmetry between existing law and social facts and case facts, the existing law needs to be developed in a reflective manner through application and this is the inevitable process of mutation from law 1.0 to law 2.0. Practical philosophy of law is founded on the generative thinking of practical philosophy, and distinct from other philosophies of law hereof.

Author information

Yongliu Zheng