Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Henricus Regius" by Desmond Clarke and Erik-Jan Bos
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- 1640a. Disputatio medico-physiologica pro sanguinis
circulatione, Utrecht: Aeg. Roman; reprinted in AT III,
- 1640b. Spongia qua eluuntur sordes Animadversionum, quas
Jacobus Primirosius, Doctor Medicus, adversus Theses pro Circulatione
sanguinis in Academia Ultrajectina disputatas nuper edidit,
Leiden: W. Christiaens.
[Available online.]
- 1641a. Physiologia, sive Cognitio
sanitatis. Tribus disputationibus in Academia Ultrajectina publice
proposita, Utrecht: Aeg. Roman; reprinted in Bos 2002,
- 1641b. Disputatio medica prima [–tertia] De
illustribus aliquot quaestionibus physiologicis, Utrecht: Aeg.
- 1642. Responsio, sive Notae in Appendicem ad Corollaria
Theologico-Philosophica Viri Reverendi et Celeberrimi D. Gisberti
Voetii, SS. Theologiae Doctoris et Professoris, et in Academiâ
Ultrajectina p.t. Rectoris Magnifici, verbique Divini in Ecclesia
Ministri, Utrecht: J. van Doorn.
[Available online.]
- 1646. Fundamenta physices, Amsterdam: L. Elsevier.
[Available online.]
- 1647a. Fundamenta medica, Utrecht: Th. van Ackersdijck.
[Available online.]
- 1647b. Medicatio viri cachexia leucophlegmatica
affecti. Corollaria, Utrecht: J. van Noortdyck.
- 1648. Brevis explicatio mentis humanae, sive
animae rationalis: ubi explicatur, quid sit, & quid esse
possit, Utrecht: Th. van Ackersdijck and G. van Zijll.
[Available online.]
- 1650. De Affectibus animi dissertatio,
Utrecht: Th. van Ackersdijck.
[Available online.]
- 1654. Philosophia naturalis, Amsterdam: L.
Elsevier (2nd enlarged edn. of Regius 1646). [Available online.]
- 1657. Brevis explicatio mentis humanae, sive animae
rationalis: antea publico examini proposita, et deinde operâ
Henrici Regii Ultrajectini nonnihil dilucidata, et à notis
Cartesii vindicata, Utrecht: Th. van Ackersdijck and G. van Zijll
(2nd enlarged edn. of Regius 1648).
[Available online.]
- 1661a. Philosophia naturalis, Amsterdam:
L. and D. Elsevier (3rd edn. of Regius 1646).
[Available online.]
- 1661b. Epistola Henrici Regii ad V. Cl. Clerselierum JCtum Parisiensem, Utrecht: Th. van Ackersdijck and G. van Zijll.
[Available online.]
- 1687. Philosophie naturelle, Utrecht: R. van Zyll (French translation of Regius 1661a).
[Available online.]
See also Erik-Jan Bos (ed.), The Correspondence between Descartes and
Henricus Regius, Utrecht: ZENO, The Leiden-Utrecht Research Institute
of Philosophy, 2002. This includes significant changes to the correspondence as
published in Descartes 1964–76.
[Available online.]
- Andreae, Tobias, 1653. Brevis Replicatio Reposita Brevi
Explicationi Mentis Humanae, sive animae Rationalis, D. Henrici Regii,
Medici ac Philosophi Ultrajectini, Amsterdam: L. Elzevier.
[Available online.]
- Descartes, René, 1648. Notae in Programma quoddam, sub
finem Anni 1647 in Belgio editum, cum hoc titulo: Explicatio Mentis
humanae, sive Animae rationalis, ubi explicatur quid sit, & quid
esse posset, Amsterdam: L. Elzevier. (Scholar)
- Descartes, René, [AT]. Oeuvres de
Descartes, revised edition., Ch. Adam and P. Tannery (eds.), 12
volumes. Paris: Vrin/CNRS, 1964–76.
- Descartes, René, [CB]. Descartes’ Conversation
with Burman, trans. J. Cottingham. Oxford: Clarendon Press,
1976. (Scholar)
- Descartes, René, The Correspondence of
René Descartes 1643, T. Verbeek, E.-J. Bos, and J. van
de Ven (eds.), Utrecht: Zeno Institute of Philosophy, 2003. [This is
the first volume of a projected complete edition of Descartes’ correspondence.]
[Available online.] (Scholar)
- Medical Dissertations 1636–60, A compilation at the
British Library in which some of Regius’ disputations are bound. (Scholar)
- Schoock, Martinus, 1643. Admiranda Methodus novae
philosophiae Renati des Cartes, Utrecht: J. van Waesberge.
[Available online.] French trans. in Verbeek 1988, 157–320. (Scholar)
- Voetius, Gisbertus, 1648–69. Selectarum Disputationum
Theologicarum, 5 volumes, Utrecht and Amsterdam: J. van
Waesberge. (Scholar)
- Alexandru, Vlad, 2013. ‘Regius and Gassendi on the Human
Soul,’ Intellectual History Review, 23:
1–20. (Scholar)
- Bitbol-Herpéries, Annie, 1993. ‘Descartes et Regius:
leur pensée médicale,’ in Verbeek 1993,
47–68. (Scholar)
- Bellis, Delphine, 2013. ‘Empiricism without Metaphysics:
Regius’ Cartesian Natural Philosophy,’ in Cartesian
Empiricisms, M. Dobre and T. Nyden (eds.), Dordrecht: Springer,
151–83. (Scholar)
- Bos, Erik-Jan, 1999. ‘Descartes’s Lettre
Apologétique aux Magistrats d’Utrecht: New Facts and
Materials,’ Journal of the History of Philosophy, 37:
415–33. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013. ‘Henricus Regius et les limites
de la philosophie Cartésienne,’ in Qu’est-ce
qu’être cartésien?, D. Kolesnik-Antoine (ed.), Lyon:
ENS Editions. (Scholar)
- –––, 2015. ‘Regius and the diffusion of
Cartesianism in the early 1640s –– and beyond’,’
in Les Pays-Bas aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles: Nouveaux
regards, C. Secretan and D. Antoine-Mahut (eds.), Paris:
Champion. (Scholar)
- –––, 2017. ‘Descartes and Regius on the
Pineal Gland and Animal Spirits, and A Letter of Regius on the True
Seat of the Soul,’ in Gaukroger and Wilson 2017,
95–111. (Scholar)
- Clarke, Desmond M., 2006. Descartes: A Biography, New York: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2010. ‘The Physics and Metaphysics of the Mind: Descartes and Regius,’ in Mind, Method, and Morality: Essays in Honour of Anthony Kenny, J. Cottingham and P. Hacker (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 187–207. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011. ‘Hypotheses,’ in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy in Early Modern Europe, D. Clarke and C. Wilson (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 249–71. (Scholar)
- Farina, Paolo, 1975. ‘Sulla formazione scientifica di H. Regius: Santorio e il ‘De statica medicina’,’ Rivista Critica de Storia della Filosofia, 33: 363–99. (Scholar)
- Fowler, Colin F., 1999. Descartes on the Human Soul. Philosophy and the Demands of Christian Doctrine, Dordrecht: Kluwer. (Scholar)
- Gariepy, Thomas P., 1991. Mechanism without Metaphysics:
Henricus Regius and the Establishment of Cartesian Medicine, PhD
dissertation, Yale University, New Haven: Yale University. (Scholar)
- Gaukroger, Stephen, and Catherine Wilson (eds.), 2017. Descartes and Cartesianism: Essays in Honour of Desmond Clarke, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Hallyn, Ferdinand, 2005. ‘La Philosophia naturalis de
Regius et l’écriture athée,’ Libertinage et
philosophie au XVIIe siècle, 9: 37–46. (Scholar)
- Kolesnik-Antoine, Delphine, 2013. ‘Le rôle des
expériences dans la physiologie d’Henricus Regius: les
‘pierres lydiennes’ du cartésianisme’,
Journal of Early Modern Studies, 1: 125–45.
- Olivo, Gilles, 1993. ‘L’homme en personne,’ in Verbeek
1993, 69–91.
- Schmalz, Tad M., 1997. ‘Descartes on innate ideas, sensation, and scholasticism: The response to Regius,’ Oxford Studies in the History of Philosophy, 2: 33–73. (Scholar)
- –––, 2017. Early Modern Cartesianisms: Dutch and French Constructions, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2018. ‘The Curious Case of Henricus Regius,’ in The Oxford Handbook of Descartes and Cartesianism, S. Nadler, T.M. Schmaltz, and D. Antoine-Mahut (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 434–49. (Scholar)
- Verbeek, Theo, 1988. La Querelle d’Utrecht, Paris: Les
impressions nouvelles. (Scholar)
- –––, 1992. Descartes and the Dutch: Early Reactions to Cartesian Philosophy, 1637–1650, Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press. (Scholar)
- ––– (ed.), 1993. Descartes et Regius: Autour de l’Explication de l’esprit humain, Amsterdam-Atlanta: Rodopi. (Scholar)
- –––, 1994. ‘Regius’s Fundamenta
Physices,’ Journal of the History of Ideas, 55:
533–51. (Scholar)
- –––, 2000. ‘The Invention of Nature: Descartes and Regius,’ in Descartes’ Natural Philosophy, S. Gaukroger, J. Shuster and J. Sutton (eds.), London and New York: Routledge, 149–67. (Scholar)
- –––, 2016. ‘Henricus Regius (Hendrik de
Roy) (1598-1679),’ in The Cambridge Descartes Lexicon,
L. Nolan (ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
641–44. (Scholar)
- –––, 2017. ‘Regius and Descartes on the
Passions,’ in Gaukroger and Wilson 2017, 164–76. (Scholar)
- Vrijer, M.J.A. de, 1917. Henricus Regius: Een
‘cartesiaansch’ hoogleraar aan de Utrechtsche
hoogeschool, The Hague: Nijhoff. (Scholar)
- Wilson, Catherine, 2000. ‘Descartes and the Corporeal Mind: Some Implications of the Regius Affair,’ in Descartes’ Natural Philosophy, S. Gaukroger et al. (eds.), London and New York: Routledge, 659–79. (Scholar)