Philosophy of Computing and Information

Edited by Giuseppe Primiero (Università degli Studi di Milano)
About this topic
Summary At least since the 1950s, philosophy has been engaged with issues that concern information and computation, both at theoretical and technological level. The field of the Philosophy of Computing and Information collects and identifies a broad set of problems related to these areas, including: computability and complexity theory, information theory, computer ethics and communication. digital arts, philosophy of AI and philosophy of mind, artificial life and simulations, knowledge and language, logic, probability and game theory. 
Key works Given the broad spectrum of topics this philosophical field includes, for each of the areas mentioned above, seminal work can be identified. Computation: a classical introduction is Boolos et al 1980. An introduction to complexity is Northrop 2010. Information theory usually is traced back to works of Shannon, Weaver and the Cybernetics. Computer Ethics is a fairly recent field, for introductory work see Moor 1985 and Floridi 2007. For an introduction to computer art see Binkley 1998. The theory of mind has a very extensive literature, with a large part devoted to computational approaches, from the seminal Turing 1950, see Horst 2005 for an overview and Piccinini 2007 for a critical approach. An extensive collection on aritficial life is Boden 1996. For the other areas, see leaf categories.
Introductions Floridi 2003
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