PhilPapers at City University London

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with City University London. It is likely that many other users at City University London are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left City University London for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

54 registered users found. 49 displayed (5 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Xeni Dassiou (ECONOMICS)
  2. Jane Elizabeth Bickerton (nursing)
  3. Howard Rodney Feather (Sociology)
  4. Laure Cabantous (Management)
  5. Marie Poirier (psychology)
  6. Emma Howard (nursing)
  7. Audrey Laur (law)
  8. Csanád Boros (Philosophy)
  9. Natalia Kuniewicz (Philosophy)
  10. Roddy Ashworth (Philosophy)
  11. Thibault Cormier (Philosophy)
  12. Yana Yana (Philosophy)
  13. Gwilym David Blunt (International Politics)
  14. Chiara Mazzocconi (linguistics)
  15. Jasim Al-Najmawi (Management)
  16. Ruslan Karipov (Finance)
  17. Rosie Oswick (Business)
  18. Jon Stern (Economics)
  19. Andy Denis (Economics)
  20. Raymond De la rocha mille (Philosophy)

Graduate student

  1. 赫赫 屈 (MALS)
  2. Sandra Va (Media Studied)
  3. John Anthony Dreger (Classics)
  4. Elisa Hello (translation)
  5. Nicolò Scarano (Political Communication)
  6. Loubna Chraibi (Law)
  7. Short Terry Cloth Robe (Philosophy)
  8. Cheng- I. Hu (Marketing)
  9. Camille Rouse (sociology)
  10. Robert Karolewski (Psychology)
  11. Susan Wade (Philosophy)
  12. Viktorija Zakarauskaite (Culture, Policy and Management)
  13. Sandra Mather (Charity Effectiveness)
  14. Alienor Meynard (Law)
  15. Gavin Wren (Philosophy)
  16. Anne-Marie Provost (Journalism)
  17. Samia Ali (English)
  18. Jasper Goddard (International Journalism)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Heleba Brazier (midwifery)
  2. Haley Telford (speech and language therapy)
  3. Ventzeslava Kojouharova (International Politics)
  4. Stephen Harwood Harwood (Philosophy)
  5. Daniella Pinto (Philosophy)
  6. Nikita Lazarenko (International Political Economy)
  7. Ipek Ustay (Sociology)
  8. William Guerry (Philosophy)
  9. Raj Oad (Law)
  10. Rita Kastrati (International Political Economy)
  11. Veronica Shleina (Law)