PhilPapers at Delft University of Technology

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Delft University of Technology. It is likely that many other users at Delft University of Technology are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Delft University of Technology for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

81 registered users found. 77 displayed (4 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Sjoerd D. Zwart (Philosophy)
  2. Stefan Koller (Philosophy)
  3. J. Kasmire (Philosophy)
  4. Wilhelmus De Wilde (Philosophy)
  5. Leendert Halter (Philosophy)
  6. Liza Van Rijsoort (Philosophy)
  7. Andrej Radman (Architecture Theory)
  8. Janna Van Grunsven (Philosophy)
  9. Jelle De De Boer (Philosophy)
  10. Neelke Doorn (Philosophy)
  11. Michael Klenk (Philosophy)
  12. Juan Manuel Durán (Philosophy)
  13. Andrea R. Gammon (Philosophy)
  14. Jack Casey (Philosophy)
  15. Sander Mulder (Design)
  16. Mandi Astola (Philosophy)
  17. Kritika Maheshwari (Philosophy)
  18. James Hutton (Philosophy)
  19. Elena Ziliotti (Philosophy)
  20. Arienne Naber (Policy Analysis)
  21. Fernando Birman (Philosophy)
  22. Lotte Asveld (Philosophy)
  23. Nabi Pakshir (Social Scinece)
  24. Nasim Razavian (Philosophy)
  25. Lavinia Marin (Philosophy)
  26. Martin Sand (Philosophy)
  27. Holly Robbins (Philosophy)
  28. Matthew Dennis (Philosophy)
  29. Steffen Steinert (Philosophy)
  30. Aritra Sarkar (Philosophy)
  31. Giorgia Pozzi (Philosophy)
  32. Laxman Bisht (Road safety)
  33. Juan Pablo Bermúdez (Philosophy)
  34. Henk Koppelaar (AI)

Graduate student

  1. Zhiguang Zhao (Logic)
  2. Thijs Kok (Aerospace Engineering)
  3. Philip Inglott (Philosophy)
  4. Karan August (Aesthetics)
  5. Shannon Spruit (Philosophy, Ethics)
  6. Guido Koreman (product innovation)
  7. Jelle Ten Bokkel Huinink (hydraulic engineering)
  8. Aafke Croockewit (Industrial design)
  9. Guchan Yapar (Process Engineering)
  10. Inez Tan (Architecture)
  11. Koen Bruynseels (Philosophy)
  12. Lijian Qi (Aerospace)
  13. Sofia Kaliarnta (Philosophy)
  14. Lila Athanasiadou (Architecture)
  15. Kars C. Ruigrok (Philosophy)
  16. Arjun Chhabra (Aerospace Structures and Materials)
  17. Rajath Pai Kota (Aerospace engineering)
  18. C. C. Brunt (Philosophy)
  19. Taygun Kekec (Machine Learning)
  20. Michaela Mallia (Architecture)
  21. Jose Carlos Cañizares-Gaztelu (Philosophy)
  22. Owen Flannigan (Philosophy)
  23. Benjamin Paul Hofbauer (Philosophy)
  24. Fatemeh Hedieh Arfa (Heritage)
  25. Jonne Maas (Philosophy)
  26. Bouke van Balen (Philosophy)
  27. Samuela Marchiori (Conceptual engineering in the philosophy of technology)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Nick Fookes (Electrical Engineering)
  2. Julia Kapinga (Archtecture)
  3. Alejandro Calero (Design)
  4. Storm Diephuis (Physics, Mathematics)
  5. Hanna Lanwehr (Philosophy)
  6. Victor Roest (Computer Science)
  7. Jha Rozenberg (Philosophy)
  8. Akhil S Kumar (Mathematics)