PhilPapers at Drexel University

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Drexel University. It is likely that many other users at Drexel University are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Drexel University for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

60 registered users found. 58 displayed (2 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Michael Khoo (Information Science and Technology)
  2. Nathan Hanna (Philosophy)
  3. Peter Amato (Philosophy)
  4. Douglas Porpora (sociology)
  5. Marilyn Gaye Piety (Philosophy)
  6. Jim Eilbert (Biomathematics)
  7. X. Lin (information)
  8. Jacques Catudal (Philosophy)
  9. MIchele Mathes (Health care ethics)
  10. Flavia Padovani (Philosophy)
  11. Andrew F. Smith (Philosophy)
  12. Patricia L. Grosse (Philosophy)
  13. Mercer Gary (Philosophy)
  14. Qrescent Mason (Philosophy)
  15. Mark Manion (Philosophy)
  16. Michael Dahnke (Philosophy)
  17. Sigmund Jenssen (Philosophy)
  18. Joshua Howard (Sociology)
  19. David Seltzer (Philosophy)
  20. Patricia Grosse (Philosophy)
  21. Tim Gorichanaz (Information)
  22. Gerry Stahl (Information Science)

Graduate student

  1. Jennifer B. Mann (Clinical Research)
  2. Thomas Lamanna (Library Science)
  3. Donna Kalp (Nursing)
  4. Lauren Ali (Nursing)
  5. Karolina Bryl (Creative Arts therapies)
  6. Patricia Alonso (Nursing)
  7. Lisa Brugnoli-Semeta (Nursing)
  8. Adrianna Owens (Communications)
  9. Molly Mahoney (Public Health)
  10. Audrey Gay (Philosophy)
  11. Alicia Alamad (Communication)
  12. Thomas Francovitch (Law)
  13. Robert Fitzgerald (Law)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Lan Nguyen (Business)
  2. Sean C. Malone (Chemical Engineering)
  3. Mikey Goeytte (PR)
  4. Josie Quaile (Design)
  5. Megan O'Donnell (Film/Video)
  6. Julez Gonzalez (Philosophy)
  7. Sherida M. West (Philosophy)
  8. Kellie Almeida (Philosophy)
  9. Andrea Frazier Frazier (Philosophy)
  10. Gabriela Bloch (Psychology)
  11. Matt Whitworth (Philosophy)
  12. Kim Wedderburn (Nursing)
  13. Madison Lyons (Engineering)
  14. Stephanie Tran ()
  15. Scott Olsen (English)
  16. Emily Sykes (Philosophy)
  17. Jake Lua (Engineering)
  18. Alyssa Haney (Philosophy)
  19. Jesselynn Gallego (communication)
  20. Maureen Bellwoar (Philosophy)
  21. Henry C. Alphin Jr. (Philosophy / Economics / Higher Education)
  22. James Stieb (Philosophy)