PhilPapers at Dublin City University

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Dublin City University. It is likely that many other users at Dublin City University are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Dublin City University for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

75 registered users found. 74 displayed (1 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Nora Mcmahon (Philosophy)
  2. John Murray (Theology)
  3. Chris Hegarty (Philosophy)
  4. Edmund Boateng (Philosophy)
  5. Maria Bourke (Primary education)
  6. Aimee Crawford (International Relations)
  7. Marlene McCormack (Education)
  8. Rosaleen Devery (Philosophy)
  9. Thomas McCloughlin (Biology)
  10. Dannica Fleuss (Political Theory / Political Communications)
  11. Kim Tyther (music)
  12. Elizabeth Harrington (Psychotherapy)
  13. Bert Gordijn (Ethics)
  14. Nicky O'Leary (Psychotherapy)
  15. Mihaela Petrovan (Philosophy)
  16. Cinzia Ruggeri (Philosophy)
  17. Peter Larsen (Philosophy)
  18. Michelle B. Cowley-Cunningham (nee Cowley) (Psychology, Law & Governance)

Graduate student

  1. Pat Heffernan (Philosophy)
  2. Caitlin Mckeever (Philosophy)
  3. Fawzi Alshike (Philosophy)
  4. Tim Jacquemard (Philosophy)
  5. Ah Wai (Philosophy)
  6. Gerard Paul Rodgers (Philosophy and psychotherapy)
  7. John Paul Donoghue (Social Science)
  8. Chris Hegarty (Philosophy)
  9. Moe Nolan (Translation Studies)
  10. Susan Bailey (Education)
  11. Danielle Logue (Music)
  12. Jennifer Okeke (Philosophy)
  13. Frances Bridget Hannon (Education)
  14. Mary Campbell (Philosophy)
  15. Deborah Kearns (Education)
  16. Princess Oshunloye (Operations Management)
  17. Kitty Osull (Sexuality Studies)
  18. Amy Darcy (Philosophy)
  19. James Gough (Ethics and Corporate Responsibility)
  20. MichaƂ Wieczorek (Philosophy)
  21. Maria Clara Menezes (Literature)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Kim Segel (Philosophy)
  2. Maurice P. Gunkel (Religion)
  3. Annemarie Kelly (Communication Studies)
  4. Natasha Burke (Philosophy)
  5. Hannah Mulhern (Cultural Studies)
  6. Aoife Mahon (Philosophy)
  7. Tracy Cullen (Philosophy)
  8. Grainne Mc Carron (theology)
  9. Michelle Reynolds-Meighan (Philosophy)
  10. Jane O'Rourke (Education)
  11. Jessica Breslin (Philosophy)
  12. Claude McManus (Law)
  13. Maria Steel (Philosophy)
  14. Antoinette Keenan (International Relations)
  15. Nour Sleiman (Philosophy)
  16. Ross O. O Hara (Economics)
  17. Anita Allen (Education)
  18. Charmaine Kelly (Philosophy)
  19. Stephen Caffrey (History)
  20. Keelan Mcanerin (Philosophy)
  21. David Kelly (Journalism)
  22. Blathnaid Davitt (Philosophy)
  23. Megan Jones (Philosophy)
  24. Asa Molloy (Philosophy)
  25. Eoin Donnelly (Philosophy)
  26. Ethel P. Casey (Philosophy)
  27. Thea Donegan (Psychology)
  28. Anthony Gannon (Philosophy)
  29. Serena Dolan (International Business)
  30. Anna Kirwan (Philosophy)
  31. Bartholomew Begley (Philosophy)
  32. Kevin Williams (Philosophy)
  33. Caitriona Cunningham (Philosophy and theology)