PhilPapers at École Normale Supérieure

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with École Normale Supérieure. It is likely that many other users at École Normale Supérieure are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left École Normale Supérieure for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

125 registered users found. 116 displayed (9 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Maria Muresan (Aesthetics)
  2. David Nicolas (Linguistics & Philosophy)
  3. Mathias Girel (Philosophy)
  4. Michel Imbert (Cognitive science)
  5. Quentin Revol (Philosophy)
  6. Sophie Roux (Philosophy)
  7. Jean-Pascal Anfray (Philosophy)
  8. Paul Egré (Philosophy)
  9. Salvator Ntakarutimana (Philosophy)
  10. Denis Buehler (Philosophy)
  11. Anne-Sophie Godfroy (Philosophy)
  12. Armelle Thomas (Philosophy)
  13. Giuseppe Longo (Philosophy)
  14. Francesca Dell'Orto (Philosophy)
  15. Ségolène De Pontbriand (Archaeology)
  16. Romain Bourdoncle (Philosophy)
  17. Hye Young Kim (Philosophy)
  18. David Waszek (Philosophy)
  19. Lucas Gautheron (Philosophy)
  20. Aurélien Allard (Philosophy)
  21. Francis Wolff (Philosophy)
  22. Charles Alunni (Philosophy)

Graduate student

  1. Klaus-Peter Speidel (Philosophy)
  2. Mehdi Aze (Cognitive Sciences)
  3. Sven Collette (neuroscience)
  4. Gabriel Hassan (Philosophy)
  5. Maria Dolores Lolita (Droit)
  6. Mostapha Benhenda (Philosophy)
  7. Alessandro Bongioanni (Philosophy)
  8. Najib Najib (Philosophy)
  9. Ygrene Chevrier (Philosophy)
  10. Shengzhou Yu (Philosophy)
  11. David Djaiz (Philosophy)
  12. Guillaume Massas (Philosophy)
  13. Alexis Kaiser (Philosophy)
  14. Xiyin Zhou (Philosophy)
  15. Alison Bouffet (Philosophy)
  16. Amal Hlioui (Philosophy)
  17. Pierrot T. Seban (Philosophy)
  18. Florian Rada (Philosophy)
  19. Milan Deroubaix (Philosophy)
  20. Manon Piette (Philosophy)
  21. Lu Zimmerman (Philosophy)
  22. Armando Lavalle Terrón (Philosophy)
  23. Pierre-Luc Passy (Philosophy)
  24. Laura Tavernier (Philosophy)
  25. Geraldine Carranante (Philosophy)
  26. Lucie Rivet (Philosophy)
  27. Asso LuRens (Littérature)
  28. Frédéric Borde (Philosophy)
  29. Raphaëlle Serero (Philosophy)
  30. Aurélia Peyrical (Philosophy)
  31. Justin Winzenrieth (Philosophy)
  32. Roberta Bocca (Philosophy)
  33. TingChia Yu (Philosophy)
  34. Fadi Awad (Linguistics)
  35. Alice Lacoue-Labarthe (German)
  36. Paul-Olivier Roux (Philosophy)
  37. Iris Brouillaud (Philosophy)
  38. Matthieu Moreau (Biology)
  39. Clemence Jeanne Marie Halle (Philosophy)
  40. Lucie Fabry (Philosophy)
  41. Francesco Pastro (Philosophy and Cognitive Sciences)
  42. Lila Lamrani (Philosophy)
  43. Timothée Bénard (Law)
  44. Charlotte Requillart (Philosophy)
  45. Tarik Tarik (Philosophy)
  46. Nicolas Chargelègue (Philosophy)
  47. Bruno Conte (Philosophy)
  48. María Eugenia Arthuis Blanco (Philosophy)
  49. Qihui Shao (Philosophy)
  50. Valentin Teillet (Philosophy)
  51. Laura Paulizzi (Philosophy)
  52. Francesco Pierini (Philosophy)
  53. Catherine de Montety (Philosophy)
  54. Setsen Altan-Ochr (Geoscience)
  55. Shimon Mercer-Wood (Philosophy)
  56. Simon Monteillet (Philosophy)
  57. Alexis Rozanski (Philosophy)
  58. Thomas Maillet-Mezeray (Philosophy)
  59. Jean-Baptiste Ghins (Philosophy)
  60. Gc Cg (History)
  61. Dominic Morin (Philosophy)
  62. Romain Iborra (Philosophy)
  63. Valentin Weber (Philosophy)
  64. Favre Brian (Philosophy)
  65. Augustin Clarou (Arts)
  66. Charlotte Peytour (Philosophy)
  67. Aisha Paulina Lami Kadiri (Philosophy)
  68. Simon Tardif (Philosophy)
  69. Ezequiel Burstein (Philosophy)
  70. Mathias Abitbol (Philosophy)
  71. Jonas Amar (Philosophy)
  72. Zehao Yin (Philosophy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Louise Goupil (Cognitive Sciences)
  2. Marion Pollaert (Philosophy)
  3. Samuel Sam (Philosophy)
  4. Yannai Plettener (Philosophy)
  5. Tognet Jade Jtth (Philosophy)
  6. Jules Zimm (sciences cognitives)
  7. Aristeo Tordesillas (Philosophy)
  8. Alice Vincent (Philosophy)
  9. Matthieu Tarpin (Philosophy)
  10. Hamid Akhardi (Philosophy)
  11. Reza Sanaye (Philosophy)
  12. Lorena Souyris Oportot (Philosophy)
  13. Stéphan Soulié Soulié (Philosophy)
  14. Siliang Zhu (Philosophy)
  15. Christian Blanco (V)