PhilPapers at Florida Atlantic University

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Florida Atlantic University. It is likely that many other users at Florida Atlantic University are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Florida Atlantic University for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

72 registered users found. 71 displayed (1 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Marina P. Banchetti (also: Banchetti-Robino) (Philosophy)
  2. Jane Caputi (women's studies)
  3. Bernadette Lange (Nursing)
  4. Mark Tunick (Political theory)
  5. Nicholas Baima (Philosophy)
  6. Siddharth Sidd (History)
  7. Linda Weglicki (Nursing)
  8. Carol Gould (Philosophy)
  9. Simon Glynn (Philosophy)
  10. Richard Marc Shusterman (Philosophy)
  11. Rebecca LeMoine (Political Theory)
  12. Susan Schneider (Philosophy)
  13. Samuel Director (Philosophy)
  14. Garrett Mindt (Philosophy)
  15. Walt Walt (Philosophy)
  16. Ashley Kennedy (Philosophy, Clinical Biomedical Science)
  17. Amy L. McLaughlin (Philosophy)
  18. Emery Hyslop-Margison (Philosophy)
  19. Carmen Duarte (Philosophy)
  20. Russell D. Hamer (Psychology)
  21. Robert Leib (Philosophy)
  22. Steven Gubka (Philosophy)
  23. Sarah Malanowski (Philosophy)

Graduate student

  1. Jason Klein (Philosophy)
  2. Timothy Meehan (Complex Systems and Brain Sciences)
  3. Lester Leavitt (public administration)
  4. Ocean Ariza (Philosophy)
  5. Dionna Farmer (educational leadership)
  6. Melz Smith (public administration)
  7. Ahmad Eldabbas (medicine)
  8. Michael Gold (Philosophy)
  9. Kenneth Brander (Philosophy)
  10. Diner Aldeus (pOLITICAL sCIENCE)
  11. Thomas Cottone (Political Science)
  12. Marie Adonis-rizzo (Philosophy)
  13. Ledis Molin (Communication)
  14. Isabel Hernandez-Holstein (Philosophy)
  15. Eugenio Carneiro (Philosophy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Andrew Pierce (Philosophy)
  2. Yona Wizeman (Philosophy)
  3. Edith Lucas (Linguistics)
  4. Chris Martin (Philosophy)
  5. Christopher Martin (Philosophy)
  6. Bhenda Jean (Philosophy)
  7. Jeanie Giebel (Art History/Studio Art)
  8. Maggie Cross (Physics)
  9. Arelys Arelys (psychology)
  10. Tina Thomas (Theater)
  11. Taylor McParland (Philosophy)
  12. Indian Updates (Philosophy)
  13. Jennifer Martinez (Philosophy)
  14. Desire Trees (Philosophy)
  15. Venica Delgado (education)
  16. Gabby G. Giachetti (Philosophy)
  17. Sean Ruhlman (Business Law)
  18. Gatien Laurol (Philosophy)
  19. Jack Mehoff (Philosophy)
  20. Jose Miguel (Philosophy)
  21. Samuel Guyah (Computer science)
  22. Kelsey Spiers (General Studies)
  23. Tim Woody (Philosophy)
  24. Dominique Palmer (Philosophy)
  25. Anna-Lesa Penas (psychology)
  26. Alexaj Alexa (education)
  27. Mary Buoni ()
  28. Eliza Fabian (Sociology)
  29. Tyler King (Philosophy)
  30. Lizbeth Moncada (Biochemistry)
  31. Human Resources (Philosophy)
  32. Michael Harris (Philosophy)