PhilPapers at Franciscan University of Steubenville

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Franciscan University of Steubenville. It is likely that many other users at Franciscan University of Steubenville are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Franciscan University of Steubenville for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

99 registered users found. 96 displayed (3 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Alex Plato (Philosophy)
  2. Stephen E. Lewis (English)
  3. Javier Enrique Carreño (Philosophy)
  4. Logan Paul Gage (Philosophy)
  5. Paul Symington (Philosophy)
  6. Conor D. Hill (theology)
  7. Joseph Almeida (Classics)
  8. Patrick Lee (Philosophy)
  9. John F. Crosby (Philosophy)
  10. Brandon Dahm (Philosophy)
  11. Robert McNamara (Philosophy)
  12. Javier E. Carreño Cobos (Philosophy)
  13. Matthew Shea (Philosophy)
  14. Rashad Rehman (Philosophy)
  15. Sean Goda (Philosophy)
  16. Joshua Miller (Philosophy)
  17. Kirk G. Kanzelberger (Philosophy)

Graduate student

  1. William Doub (Philosophy)
  2. Ron Doub (Philosophy)
  3. Joseph Antoniello (Philosophy)
  4. Jon Haines (Philosophy)
  5. Caleb Longgrear (Philosophy)
  6. Olivia Tackman (Theology)
  7. Keith Michael Estrada (Philosophy)
  8. David Boyd (Philosophy)
  9. Kelly Regan (Philosophy)
  10. Alexander Pyles (Philosophy)
  11. Joseph Danaher (Philosophy)
  12. Frank Baker-Gleason (Philosophy)
  13. Alexander Rossi (Philosophy)
  14. Mark Spinnenweber (Philosophy)
  15. Carly Burke (Philosophy)
  16. Jeremy Hausotter (Philosophy)
  17. Carmen Carmen (Nursing)
  18. Michael Del Del Prado (Theology)
  19. Chris Zedick (Philosophy)
  20. Micah McMeans McMeans (Philosophy)
  21. Michael Grasinski (Philosophy)
  22. Michael Hall (Philosophy)
  23. Joseph McMahon (Philosophy)
  24. Alex Normandin (Philosophy)
  25. Jacob Hollis (Philosophy)
  26. Alex Denley (Theology)
  27. Joseph Kirchner (Philosophy)
  28. Le Huang (Philosophy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Natalia Perdomo (Philosophy)
  2. Peter Tarantino (Philosophy)
  3. Ryan Perkins (Philosophy)
  4. Joseph Danaher (Political Science; Economics; Philosophy)
  5. Annemarie Margaret Krall (Philosophy)
  6. Theresa Wulke (Theology)
  7. Steven Joseph Thomas (Philosophy)
  8. Sarah Rachel Gutierrez (Philosophy)
  9. Lucas Comeau (Philosophy)
  10. Joseph Edward Cavello (Philosophy)
  11. Alyssa Snyder (Philosophy)
  12. Jojoe Delany (Philosophy)
  13. Colleen Murphy (Philosophy)
  14. Blair Gordy (Philosophy)
  15. Mark Graham (Philosophy)
  16. Maria DeGoede (Philosophy)
  17. Christine Canavan (Philosophy)
  18. Bethany Weinand (Philosophy)
  19. Zacchaeus Lock (Philosophy)
  20. Brendan Avila (Philosophy)
  21. Sophie Mae Meyercord (Philosophy)
  22. Courtney Beltrami (Philosophy)
  23. Cody Zinke (Philosophy)
  24. Lindsay Russell (Philosophy)
  25. Sam Disselkamp (Philosophy)
  26. Anthony Lee (Engineering)
  27. Nicholas Bell (Philosophy)
  28. Luke Neitzke (Philosophy)
  29. Jack Strickland (Communications)
  30. Jean Janasz (Philosophy)
  31. Tochukwu T. C. Okonkwo (Philosophy)
  32. Isaac Sanford (Philosophy)
  33. Benedict Willey (Philosophy)
  34. John-Paul Dombrowski (Philosophy)
  35. Mike Martin (Philosophy)
  36. Teresa Regnier (Philosophy)
  37. Thomas Wheeler (Philosophy)
  38. Linda J Edwards (Philosophy)
  39. Andrew Fantina (Philosophy)
  40. Claudio Ferrari (Philosophy)
  41. Audrey Konopka (Philosophy)
  42. Luke Pipa (Philosophy)
  43. Victoria Schaefer (Philosophy)
  44. Nicholas Riccardi (Philosophy)
  45. Alex Beronio (Philosophy)
  46. Katherine Chepulis (Philosophy)
  47. Dominic Churchill (Philosophy)
  48. Myles Hall (Philosophy)
  49. Betsy Brehm (Academics)
  50. Amy Leoni (Philosophy)
  51. Carrie Libetti ()
  52. Monica Hruby (Philosophy)