PhilPapers at George Mason University

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with George Mason University. It is likely that many other users at George Mason University are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left George Mason University for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

99 registered users found. 95 displayed (4 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Carlos E. Sluzki (Social Epidemiology)
  2. Robin Hanson (Economics)
  3. Jesse Kirkpatrick (Political Philosophy)
  4. Robert Oerter (Physics)
  5. S. McGrath (History)
  6. Randi Rashkover (Religion)
  7. Kerri LaCharite (Nutrition & Food Studies)
  8. Andrew Light (Philosophy)
  9. Ted Kinnaman (Philosophy)
  10. Xiaolei Zhang (Astrophysics)
  11. Doug Eyman (Writing and Rhetoric)
  12. Sharon Doetsch-Kidder (Feminist Studies)
  13. Rose Cherubin (Philosophy)
  14. Davis Kuykendall (Philosophy)
  15. Daniel J. Nicholson (Philosophy)
  16. Wesley Buckwalter (Philosophy)
  17. Christian Carrozzo (Philosophy)
  18. David R. Morrow (Philosophy)
  19. Jason Rogers (Philosophy)
  20. Tyler Tyler (Philosophy)
  21. Sevtap Demirci (Philosophy)
  22. Mobeen Vaid (Religion)
  23. Elizabeth Jolly (Philosophy)
  24. Charles R. Twardy ()
  25. Robert Luzecky (Philosophy)
  26. Catherine Sophia Herfeld (Economics)

Graduate student

  1. Nikolaos Abatzis (Computer Science)
  2. Andrew Brown (Sociology)
  3. Clarence Dillon (Philosophy)
  4. Tanner Sewell (Philosophy)
  5. Gregory Conrow (Philosophy)
  6. John Bishop (Philosophy)
  7. Jon Trevathan (Physics/Philosophy)
  8. Derek Daskalakes (Philosophy)
  9. Jared Arthur (Philosophy)
  10. Christie Jones (Philosophy)
  11. Jon Foxworth (Philosophy)
  12. Erin Northup (Philosophy)
  13. Mary Thompson (Philosophy)
  14. Ralph Cox (Public Administration)
  15. Patrick Narod (Philosophy)
  16. Brent Auble (Computational Social Science)
  17. Fadwa Barzinji (Philosophy)
  18. Mary Mariana (Philosophy)
  19. Mehmet Sari (Health Services Research)
  20. Tavis Long (Philosophy)
  21. David Coker (Economics)
  22. Chris Shrieve (Philosophy)
  23. Mary Gonzalez (Modern Languages)
  24. Mike Watson (Economics)
  25. Kathryn Perry (Arts Management)
  26. Amy Cocks (English-Literature)
  27. Erik Matson (Philosophy of economics and history of economic thought)
  28. Jeremy Lerman (Political Economy)
  29. Jeffrey Giliam (Economics)
  30. Farah Latif (Communication)
  31. James Stephens (Philosophy)
  32. Matthew Zavitz (Philosophy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Ashley Sanders (Philosophy)
  2. Alex Park (Philosophy)
  3. Andrew Deal (Philosophy)
  4. Suzanne Florio (Nursing)
  5. Maria Lyles (Philosophy)
  6. Brandon Solomon (Philosophy)
  7. Lacey Kemble (Philosophy)
  8. Jon Bashor (Philosophy)
  9. Sean Nestor (Philosophy)
  10. Alexis De La Rosa Enzo (Philosophy)
  11. Max Fairfax (Liberal Arts)
  12. Sarah Bell (Art and Visual Technology)
  13. Heather Longfellow (Art History)
  14. Dillon Berger (Philosophy)
  15. Woody Lipinski (Philosophy)
  16. Tulia MacDicken (Art)
  17. Jess Beneke (Philosophy)
  18. Sandra Suty (Philosophy)
  19. Rex Van De Hughen ()
  20. Andrea Freedy (education)
  21. Paula Paula (Political Science)
  22. Elise Wilansky (Communications)
  23. Maria Orellana (Forensics)
  24. Megan Sorrel (anthropology)
  25. Le Monte (Philosophy)
  26. Justin Rasmussen (Philosophy)
  27. Jennifer Garcia (anthropology)
  28. Matthew Mckinney (film studies)
  29. Ty de Porres Forman (Government)
  30. Madhav Maniraj (Psychology)
  31. Jennifer Kopac (Philosophy)
  32. William Jensen (Philosophy)
  33. Sharifa Ahmed (Philosophy)
  34. Zoe Beyer (Philosophy)