PhilPapers at Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis. It is likely that many other users at Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

92 registered users found. 87 displayed (5 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Chad Carmichael (Philosophy)
  2. Barry Cournoyer (Social Work)
  3. Mariah Yager (Communication)
  4. Hasan Akay (Engineering)
  5. Jennifer Drobac (Philosophy)
  6. Rita Lasiter (Nursing)
  7. Cornelis de Waal (Philosophy)
  8. Martin A. Coleman (Philosophy)
  9. Samuel J. M. Kahn (Philosophy)
  10. Timothy D. Lyons (Philosophy)
  11. Peter H. Schwartz (Bioethics, Philosophy of Medicine)
  12. Barbara Pierce (Social Work)
  13. Bryan Maloney (Molecular Psychiatry)
  14. Gustav Klimt (Philosophy)
  15. Liz Vermœsen (Philosophy)
  16. Sarah Boker (Philosophy)
  17. J. Gregory Keller (Philosophy)
  18. Tim Orr (Philosophy of Religion)
  19. Brandon Sherman (Education)
  20. Kathleen Barlow (Communication -- Public Speaking)
  21. John J. Tilley (Philosophy)
  22. Peg Brand Weiser (Philosophy)
  23. Michael B. Burke (Philosophy)
  24. Edmund Byrne (Philosophy)
  25. Jeffrey Crabtree (Occupational Therapy)

Graduate student

  1. Justin Anthony Knapp (Political Science)
  2. An Feng (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
  3. David Pulliam (Philosophy)
  4. Adam Hayden (Philosophy)
  5. Samantha Ooley (Philosophy)
  6. Preethi Srinivas (Human Centered Computing)
  7. Cameron Walter (Philosophy)
  8. Taine Watkins (Philosophy)
  9. Sarah Sitarski (Law)
  10. Laura Harris (Library Science)
  11. Tamara Markey (Education)
  12. Kim McNealy (Philosophy)
  13. Michael Knight (Philosophy)
  14. Demetria Jimerson (Social Work)
  15. Grace Klosterman (Philosophy)
  16. Catherine Bhathena (Education)
  17. Allison Hedrick (Philosophy)
  18. James Klimek (Philosophy)
  19. Ronald Dillabough (Philosophy)
  20. Ashraf Hendi (Philosophy)
  21. Megan Young-Schlee (Philosophy)
  22. Hannah Reed (Law)
  23. Eric Newsom (Nursing)
  24. Heather Leigh Anderson (Philosophy)
  25. Britton Watson (Philosophy)
  26. David Dunne (Philanthropy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Justin Anthony Knapp (Philosophy)
  2. Charles Cantrell (Philosophy)
  3. Jeffrey Passowc (Philosophy)
  4. Megan Byrne (Philosophy)
  5. Alex White (Philosophy)
  6. Jason Riley (Philosophy)
  7. Matthew Land (Philosophy)
  8. Sean Gilliland-Suaer (Philosophy)
  9. Monica Kaufman (Philosophy)
  10. Bianca Doe (Fine Art)
  11. Scott Gordon (Philosophy)
  12. Felicia Baker (criminal justice)
  13. Angela Farmer (Informatics)
  14. Gregg Manor (Philosophy)
  15. Bonnie Belle (Philosophy)
  16. Taylor Szalaiy (Philosophy)
  17. Sierra Kelley (Human Resources)
  18. Andy Hearn (Psychology)
  19. Chantelle Jones (Philosophy)
  20. Willa Weller (Informatics)
  21. Ryan Cook (Philosophy)
  22. Audrey Foster (Communication)
  23. Quentin Ellett (Philosophy)
  24. Sc Sc (Social Work)
  25. Emily Hanawalt (Philosophy)
  26. Sabrina Joyce Labrosse (sociology)
  27. Adele Benson (Secondary Social Studies Education)
  28. Caitlyn Mills (Political-Science)
  29. Levi Lancour (Philosophy)
  30. Tony Salazar (Philosophy)
  31. Hannah Hoover (Philosophy)
  32. Molly Miller (Philosophy)
  33. Aiden Heavilin (Philosophy)
  34. Isaiah Link (Philosophy)
  35. Jere Odell (Scholarly Publishing)
  36. Micah Faidley (Health Disparities)
  37. Herman Saatkamp (Philosophy)