PhilPapers at Loyola Marymount University

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Loyola Marymount University. It is likely that many other users at Loyola Marymount University are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Loyola Marymount University for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

106 registered users found. 103 displayed (3 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Philip Chmielewski (Philosophy)
  2. Daniel Speak (Philosophy)
  3. Andrew Dilts (Political Science)
  4. Jason Baehr (Philosophy)
  5. Marc Lony (Philosophy)
  6. Robin R. Wang (Philosophy)
  7. Jason Simon (Education)
  8. Antonia Darder (Education)
  9. Brian Treanor (Philosophy)
  10. Abhik Roy (Communication Studies)
  11. Marina Moevs (Art)
  12. Eric D. Perl (Philosophy)
  13. Roberto Delloro (Philosophy)
  14. Sina Kramer (Philosophy)
  15. Carissa Phillips-Garrett (Philosophy)
  16. Joshua Mason (Philosophy)
  17. Timothy Shanahan (Philosophy)
  18. Catherine Peters (Philosophy)
  19. Scott Roniger (Philosophy)
  20. Trevor Zink (Environmental Science and Management)
  21. Ian Alexander Moore (Philosophy)
  22. Alexander Zambrano (Philosophy)
  23. Mara Buenaseda (Philosophy)
  24. Bob Robinson (Philosophy)
  25. Brittany Radosh (Philosophy)
  26. James Costello (Philosophy)
  27. Larry George (Philosophy)
  28. Emilio Valdes (Philosophy)
  29. Errol Hughes (Philosophy)
  30. Alec Morand (Philosophy)
  31. Matt Lebo (Philosophy)
  32. David Kovacs (Philosophy)
  33. Will Britt (Philosophy)
  34. Sean Winkler (Philosophy)

Graduate student

  1. Kimberly Warner (Philosophy)
  2. Janine Dodson (Philosophy)
  3. Chuck Hamilton (Theology)
  4. James Sikkema (Philosophy)
  5. Zak Fisher (Philosophy)
  6. Sophia Pavlos (Philosophy)
  7. Brandy Robinson (education)
  8. Neil Talenfeld (Philosophy)
  9. Jake Yocham (Philosophy)
  10. Aanchal Sanghvi (Law)
  11. Megan Elsayed (Philosophy)
  12. Kevin Cavanaugh (Philosophy)
  13. Ashley Marie Ryan (Writing and Producing for TV)
  14. Martin Murphy (Theology)
  15. Kait Dilliplaine (Philosophy)
  16. Jaron Neufeld (Philosophy)
  17. Sam Granville (Philosophy)
  18. Valentine Ibe (Theology)
  19. Wesley Bergen (Philosophy)
  20. Zane Ashman (Bioethics)
  21. Catherine Bando (Bioethics & Theology)
  22. Aaron J. Dolin (Philosophy)
  23. John Lumb (Engineering)
  24. John Kissell (Education)
  25. Lynn Kessler (Philosophy)
  26. Dillon Cook (Philosophy)
  27. David M. McCullough (Philosophy)
  28. Patrick Hall (Philosophy)
  29. Giovanni Katzaroff (Philosophy)
  30. Sean Conlin (Philosophy)
  31. Mauricio Jauregui (Philosophy)
  32. Zachary Schroeder (Philosophy)
  33. Aidan Foucher (Philosophy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Alex Martin (Philosophy)
  2. Bianca Darby-Matteoda (Philosophy)
  3. Alexander Alex (Philosophy)
  4. Jay Quantrill (Philosophy)
  5. Chris Yates (screenwriting)
  6. Carolina Nuñez (Philosophy)
  7. Sophie Taylor (Philosophy)
  8. Mao Isoda (Philosophy)
  9. Sophia Stroud (Philosophy)
  10. Brenda Splenda (History)
  11. Heather Pilkington (Philosophy)
  12. Marc Hepps (Classics)
  13. Brittany Gregory (Communication Studies)
  14. Andrew Fronczak (Philosophy)
  15. Megan Megan (Philosophy)
  16. Sarah Hamilton (Philosophy)
  17. Darren Teo (Philosophy)
  18. Erich Yanoschik (Biology)
  19. Elle De De Recat (Philosophy)
  20. Becca Kohl (Philosophy)
  21. Savannah Yerman (Psychology)
  22. Nubia Valenzuela (Philosophy)
  23. Jeff Roxas (Philosophy)
  24. Tasneem Zarroug (Philosophy)
  25. Anna Grace Kalvelage (Philosophy)
  26. Jordan Sasaki (psychology)
  27. Miles Marti ()
  28. Nicholas Gustafson (Philosophy)
  29. Nicole Spaccarelli (Philosophy)
  30. Lauren Holland (Philosophy)
  31. Brandi Tate (Philosophy)
  32. Sarah Llanes (Philosophy)
  33. David Rogoff (Bioethics)
  34. Desirae Zingarelli-Sweet (Philosophy)
  35. Christine Palau (Philosophy)