PhilPapers at Loyola University, Chicago

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Loyola University, Chicago. It is likely that many other users at Loyola University, Chicago are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Loyola University, Chicago for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

230 registered users found. 216 displayed (14 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Edwin McCullough (Law)
  2. Peter Bergeron (Philosophy)
  3. Mark De Lancey (English)
  4. Jane Locke (Law)
  5. Kristen Irwin (Philosophy)
  6. Stefano Giacchetti (Philosophy)
  7. Joseph Vukov (Philosophy)
  8. Philipp Gabriel Renczes (Philosophy)
  9. Paul Ott (Philosophy)
  10. Blake Dutton (Philosophy)
  11. Aaron Greicius (Mathematics)
  12. Marvin Stodollsky (Science, retired)
  13. Jennifer Parks (Philosophy)
  14. Minerva Ahumada (Philosophy)
  15. Ryan Meade (Law)
  16. Silas Morgan (Theology)
  17. Garry Sigman (Philosophy)
  18. Patrick McCarty (Philosophy)
  19. James Marley (Social Work)
  20. Peter Hartman (Philosophy)
  21. Mark Waymack (Philosophy)
  22. Eve Geroulis (Marketing)
  23. Giancarlo Tarantino (Philosophy)
  24. David Ingram (Philosophy)
  25. Naomi Fisher (Philosophy)
  26. Richard Kim (Philosophy)
  27. Jacqueline Scott (Philosophy)
  28. Marcella Linn (Philosophy)
  29. Joshua Mendelsohn (Philosophy)
  30. Freya Möbus (Philosophy)
  31. Johanna Oksala (Philosophy)
  32. Jennifer Gaffney (Philosophy)
  33. Jeffrey Fisher (Philosophy)
  34. Amy Shuffelton (Philosophy)
  35. Seyed N. Mousavian (Philosophy)
  36. Guy du Plessis (Psychology)
  37. Dimitris Apostolopoulos (Philosophy)
  38. Virgil W. Brower (Global Ethics; Gender & Religion; Persons)
  39. Eyo Ewara (Philosophy)
  40. Takunda Matose (Philosophy)
  41. Matthew Dunch (Philosophy)
  42. Vincent Samar (Philosophy)
  43. Peter Nekola (Philosophy)
  44. Glenn Shipley (Philosophy)
  45. John Ayang (Bioethics)
  46. Tran Phan (Philosophy)
  47. Avery Smith (Philosophy)
  48. Hugh Marlowe (Philosophy)
  49. Michael Hurwitz (Philosophy)
  50. Gil Morejon (Management)
  51. Katherine Valde (Philosophy)
  52. David Schweickart (Philosophy)
  53. David T. Ozar (Philosophy)

Graduate student

  1. Wang Michael (Medicine)
  2. Asaf Bar-Tura (Philosophy)
  3. Nathan Jung (English)
  4. Peter Siampos (History)
  5. Stephen Gallagher (Philosophy)
  6. Daniele Manni (Philosophy)
  7. Aaron Crowe (Philosophy)
  8. Caroline Ong (Bioethics)
  9. Lisa Blanton (Philosophy)
  10. Christina Drogalis (Philosophy)
  11. Julie Hamann (Nursing)
  12. Susan Popovic (Philosophy)
  13. Kurt Luzny (Philosophy)
  14. David Gillespie (Bioethics)
  15. Masa Nakata (Theology)
  16. Tanya Arney (Bioethics)
  17. Abby Sala (Social Work)
  18. Cathy Shipp (Theology)
  19. Mike Munoz (Philosophy)
  20. Trisha Novak (Nursing)
  21. Michael Krusinsky (Social Work)
  22. Daniel Albanese (Sociology)
  23. Stephanie Bloedorn (Philosophy)
  24. Jennifer Luse (Philosophy)
  25. Corbin Casarez (Philosophy)
  26. Jacob Torbeck (Theology)
  27. Verena Andria Peeples (Bioethics)
  28. Sumaya Noush (Law and Bioethics)
  29. Simon Babbs (Philosophy)
  30. Bob Andrews Andrews (Theology)
  31. Drew Thompson (Philosophy)
  32. Grace Larson (Philosophy)
  33. Jim Mansfield (Philosophy)
  34. Melinda Wilding (Philosophy)
  35. Victoria Greenenegron (Education)
  36. Paige Steffen (Philosophy)
  37. Dan Balcarcel (Medicine)
  38. Yiran Zhang (Philosophy)
  39. Lorrena Johnson (Higher Education Administration)
  40. Nivas Interior (Philosophy)
  41. Peter Rosa (Philosophy)
  42. James Egan (Philosophy)
  43. Lawrence Dwyer (Philosophy)
  44. Rebecca Valeriano-Flores (Philosophy)
  45. Miguel Arrieta (Philosophy)
  46. Carolyn LeCoque (Bioethics)
  47. Kimberly Vargas Barreto (Philosophy)
  48. Michael Pannaralla (Theology)
  49. Joe Lorenz (Philosophy)
  50. Crystal Lennix (Education Policy)
  51. Paul V. Phillipino (Philosophy)
  52. Genevieve Buthod (Philosophy)
  53. Italo Alves (Philosophy)
  54. Rutger Hakkenberg (Philosophy)
  55. Miguel Ceron Becerra (Philosophy)
  56. Kit Rempala (Philosophy)
  57. Rene M Ramirez (Philosophy)
  58. Julia Rotondi (Theology)
  59. Kirt Broesche (Philosophy)
  60. Michael Pederson (Philosophy)
  61. Lillianne John (Philosophy)
  62. Aziz Alfailakawi (Philosophy)
  63. Chukwuebuka Emmanuel Madu (Philosophy)
  64. Rick Lee James James (Religion)
  65. Pooya Heybat (Philosophy)
  66. Daphne Pons (Philosophy)
  67. Neo Scott (Philosophy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Joseph Crawford (Philosophy)
  2. Dylan M. LeBlanc (Philosophy)
  3. Edward Vogel (Economics and Philosophy)
  4. Zachary Hugo (Philosophy)
  5. Nathan Minnehan (Philosophy)
  6. Caelyn Randall (Philosophy)
  7. Zhanna Albertini (Philosophy)
  8. Leah Banawa (Philosophy)
  9. Dolly Tailor (Philosophy)
  10. Monique Shamoon (Philosophy)
  11. Christina Kuntz (Psychology)
  12. Jeff Barak (Political Science)
  13. Lenny Hernandez (Philosophy)
  14. Molly Brekke (Philosophy)
  15. Catarina Gomez (Philosophy)
  16. Andrea Merlin (Philosophy)
  17. Keagan Potts (Philosophy)
  18. Shannon Cervantes (Psychology)
  19. Anila Varughese (Philosophy)
  20. Shayna Youman (Forensic Science)
  21. Kait Madsen (Philosophy)
  22. Molly Walsh (Philosophy)
  23. Madeline Henschel (Philosophy)
  24. Jonathan Winterburn (Philosophy)
  25. Lili Garcia (Philosophy)
  26. Chloe Antrobus (Philosophy)
  27. Mark Chuck (Philosophy)
  28. Pao Hubu (Philosophy)
  29. Dillon DeWitt (Philosophy)
  30. Annelise Marie (Philosophy)
  31. Heather Holmgren (Philosophy)
  32. Hank Lyon (Philosophy)
  33. Ulfath Uj (Philosophy)
  34. Valerie Voz (Philosophy)
  35. Kattie Castro (Philosophy)
  36. Meredith Jones (Philosophy)
  37. Ashlyn Stanton (Philosophy)
  38. Tayva Vollan (Philosophy)
  39. Raluca Dima (Philosophy)
  40. Naomy Naomy (Philosophy)
  41. Tamara Franco (Philosophy)
  42. Emma Cottrell (Biology Pre-Med)
  43. Rachael Hochstetler (Philosophy)
  44. Ilse Mejia (Philosophy)
  45. Austin Tracey (Molecular Biology)
  46. Zachary Brindza (Philosophy)
  47. Tristan Gutbezahl (Philosophy)
  48. Hannah Helmbrecht (Philosophy)
  49. David Birmingham (Philosophy)
  50. Daniel Reichman (Philosophy)
  51. Chanté Wilson (Philosophy)
  52. Matthew Kelley (Sociology/Philosophy)
  53. Lucie Riley (Philosophy)
  54. Jack DeBacker (Philosophy)
  55. Rohan Meda (Philosophy)
  56. Samantha Linek (Biochemistry)
  57. Christina Du (Philosophy)
  58. Alex Q (Philosophy)
  59. Michelle Dolecki (Philosophy)
  60. Fiona Michel (Philosophy)
  61. Jack Young (Philosophy)
  62. Anna Stieren (Environmental Science)
  63. Sherri Rollins (Philosophy)
  64. Lucas Abramson (Philosophy)
  65. Miguel Diaz (Philosophy)
  66. Paul Voelker (Libraries)
  67. Vincent Samar (Law)