PhilPapers at Massey University

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Massey University. It is likely that many other users at Massey University are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Massey University for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

76 registered users found. 73 displayed (3 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. John Matthewson (Philosophy)
  2. Bill Fish (Philosophy)
  3. Gerald K. Harrison (Philosophy)
  4. Martin Woods (Nursing)
  5. Adriane Rini (Philosophy)
  6. Ksenija Napan (Social work)
  7. Lareen Anne Cooper (Social work)
  8. Peter J. Waddell (Biology)
  9. Juana Castillo (business)
  10. Vanessa Schouten (Philosophy)
  11. Marcel Jon Zentveld-Wale (Security Studies)
  12. Elspeth Tilley (Creative Communication)
  13. Christine Nya-Ling Tan (Philosophy)
  14. Steve Olivecrona (Philosophy)
  15. Rob Edward (Philosophy)
  16. Robyn Bazsika (Counselling)
  17. Graham Jackson (Philosophy)
  18. Tom Hooper (Philosophy)
  19. Robin Peace (social science)
  20. Deni Anderson (Philosophy)
  21. Jess Richards (Creative Arts)
  22. Ian Evans (Psychology)
  23. Thomas A. Yates (Philosophy)

Graduate student

  1. Badger Badger (Fine Art)
  2. Dave Crampton (Politics)
  3. Sefo Holani (Philosophy)
  4. Murray Greenhalgh (Philosophy)
  5. Paul Weatherston (International studies)
  6. Claus Tern (Philosophy)
  7. Jo Robertson (Philosophy)
  8. Praveen Kumar (MBA)
  9. Helen Lesley Dredge (Philosophy)
  10. Alison McCulloch (Māori Studies)
  11. Julian Shields (Philosophy)
  12. Alyson Baker (Philosophy)
  13. Michael Dally (Philosophy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Ivan Stulich (Philosophy)
  2. Laura Kay (Philosophy)
  3. Lisa Oliver (Philosophy)
  4. Rahul Bhattarai (Philosophy)
  5. Erika Gajdocsi (Education)
  6. Angela Wightman (Education)
  7. Neil Westwood (Social work)
  8. Steven Bowden (Philosophy)
  9. Kayla Morrison (Teaching)
  10. Athol Lawrence (Philosophy)
  11. Vincent W. P. Bennett (Social work)
  12. Samantha Lee (Organisational Behaviour)
  13. Ricky Jury (Psychology)
  14. Jia Zhou (Philosophy)
  15. Keelan Sieglaar (Psychology)
  16. K. Y. Law (Business)
  17. John MacTaggart (Philosophy)
  18. Josie Hehir (Philosophy)
  19. John Granville (Philosophy)
  20. Juliet Ayre (Philosophy)
  21. Paige M. Weatherall (Psychology)
  22. Kaitlyn Percy (Philosophy)
  23. Alec Bartlett (Geography)
  24. Briar Lomas (Design)
  25. Kura Geere-Watson (Philosophy)
  26. Lish Rob (Philosophy)
  27. Lili Wood (Design)
  28. Stephanie Hughes (Philosophy)
  29. Margarret Fidow (Hisory)
  30. Tore Anderson (Philosophy)
  31. Salla Douglas (Philosophy)
  32. Taylor Allen (Philosophy)
  33. Rohana Sergent (Sociology)
  34. Bradley Fox Cherrington (Philosophy)
  35. Ness Gibson (Philosophy)