PhilPapers at Memorial University of Newfoundland

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Memorial University of Newfoundland. It is likely that many other users at Memorial University of Newfoundland are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Memorial University of Newfoundland for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

95 registered users found. 92 displayed (3 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Arthur Sullivan (Philosophy)
  2. Sean McGrath (Philosophy)
  3. Lisa Goddard (Digital Humanities)
  4. Seamus O'Neill (Philosophy)
  5. Jill Allison (Anthropology)
  6. John Durrant (Philosophy)
  7. Dennis Kimberley (Social Work)
  8. Peter Gratton (Philosophy)
  9. James Scott Johnston (Philosophy)
  10. Jacqueline Walsh (Business)
  11. Sarah Angela (Philosophy)
  12. Shannon Hoff (Philosophy)
  13. Wendy Chislett (English)
  14. Lawrence Bruce-Robertson (Philosophy)
  15. Robyn Drodge (Philosophy)
  16. Eva Coombs (Philosophy)
  17. Jay Foster (Philosophy)
  18. Sarah Clarke (Philosophy)
  19. Julia Heckbert (Philosophy)
  20. Gabriel Giroux (Philosophy)
  21. Blandine Ndum (Philosophy)
  22. Himanshu Ragtah (Philosophy)
  23. Hubert Yaw Antwi-Adjei (Philosophy)
  24. Antoinette Marie Stafford (Philosophy)
  25. David L. Thompson (Philosophy)
  26. Evan Simpson (Philosophy)

Graduate student

  1. May Hibri (humanities)
  2. Michael Austin (Philosophy)
  3. Sharon Yvonne Monahan (Business)
  4. WonKyoung Choi (Anthropology)
  5. Deanne Michelle Mahoney (Philosophy)
  6. Lori Frances Clarke (Interdisciplinary)
  7. Hillary Ferguson (Bioethics)
  8. Peter Duchemin (Philosophy)
  9. Alisan Genc (Philosophy)
  10. Fintan Neylan (Philosophy)
  11. Abiemwense Omoregie (Philosophy of Education)
  12. Benedikt Rottenecker (Philosophy)
  13. Ramseyer Apau Bediako (Bioethics)
  14. Evan Gray (Philosophy)
  15. Michael Broz (Philosophy)
  16. Adeleh Zad (Philosophy)
  17. Jordan van den Hoonaard (Philosophy)
  18. Joshua Royles (Philosophy)
  19. Samuel Underwood (Philosophy)
  20. Theophilus Nwajiobi (Philosophy)
  21. Bradley C. Dart (Philosophy)
  22. Chase Moloney (Philosophy)
  23. Ilgin Aksoy (Philosophy)
  24. Joshua D.F. Hooke (Philosophy)
  25. Patrick Renaud (Philosophy)
  26. Mary Jo Curry (Philosophy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Sandra Hiscock (Philosophy)
  2. Barbara Mason (Philosophy)
  3. Erin Andersen (Biology)
  4. Chelsie Coombs (Philosophy)
  5. Maria Nash (Nursing)
  6. Holly Story (History)
  7. Kimberly Drisdelle (Philosophy)
  8. Kyla Melanson (Psychology)
  9. Alice Green ()
  10. Nora Bee (English)
  11. Meghan Francis (Philosophy)
  12. Lauren Farr (Philosophy)
  13. Kristen Janes (English)
  14. Miranda Walsh (Philosophy)
  15. Anna Parmiter (English)
  16. Tiana Brown (Philosophy)
  17. Alex, John, Kelvin Marshall (Political Science)
  18. Libby King (Philosophy)
  19. Candace Hopkins (Social Work)
  20. Brittany McGrath (Political Science)
  21. Chanelel Zaphiropoulos (Philosophy)
  22. Shelby Hennebury (English)
  23. Emma Landry (Philosophy)
  24. Meghan Henneberry (Political Science)
  25. Shavin Nair (Philosophy)
  26. Catherine Barrett ()
  27. Stefan Matchem (Philosophy)
  28. Stephanie Davis (Nursing)
  29. Erin Pierce (Law & Society)
  30. Bianca Pitre (Gender Studies)
  31. Asha Kennedy (Philosophy)
  32. Kristen Lewis (Philosophy)
  33. Lawrence Roberts (Philosophy)
  34. Samantha Baggs (Philosophy)
  35. Isaac Batten (Psychology)
  36. Luka Carroll (Philosophy)
  37. Colm McGivern (Philosophy)
  38. Ann Marie Gushue (Philosophy)