PhilPapers at Reed College

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Reed College. It is likely that many other users at Reed College are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Reed College for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

63 registered users found. 60 displayed (3 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Troy Cross (Philosophy)
  2. Steven Arkonovich (Philosophy)
  3. Peter Steinberger (Political Science)
  4. Margaret Scharle (Philosophy)
  5. Mark Hinchliff (Philosophy)
  6. Lena Lencek (Russian and Humanities)
  7. Gerhard Nuffer (Philosophy)
  8. Laurel Scotland-Stewart (Philosophy)
  9. Hugo Moreno (Literature and Philosophy)
  10. Angie Beiriger (Classics)

Graduate student

  1. Darek Teller (Philosophy)
  2. William Chen (Philosophy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Patrick Knowles (Philosophy)
  2. David Fielding (Philosophy)
  3. Maddy Villano (Philosophy)
  4. Alessandra Baniel-Stark (Philosophy)
  5. Simon Friedland (Philosophy)
  6. Michael Vossen (Philosophy)
  7. Kali Borkoski (Philosophy)
  8. Andrew Ho (Philosophy)
  9. Joe Stoller (Philosophy)
  10. Cora Payne (Philosophy)
  11. Finn Terdal (Philosophy)
  12. Mack Sullivan (Philosophy)
  13. Alex Dunn (Philosophy)
  14. Clara McKenzie (Mathematics)
  15. Don Berg (Psychology)
  16. Anthony Nguyen (Philosophy)
  17. Brian Brian (Philosophy)
  18. Jesse Reeves (Philosophy)
  19. Baruch Brodersen (Philosophy)
  20. Nicholas Gigliotti Gigliotti (Philosophy)
  21. Brydon Brancart (Philosophy)
  22. Thor Nolan (Philosophy)
  23. Topher Doiron (Philosophy & Mathematics)
  24. Dylan Bowlus (Philosophy)
  25. Arianne Lakra (Philosophy)
  26. Lydia Grace Campbell (Philosophy)
  27. Elias Stern-Rodriguez (Philosophy)
  28. Eduardo Navas (Philosophy)
  29. Ezra Schwartz (Philosophy)
  30. Evan Tucker (Philosophy)
  31. David Adcock (Philosophy)
  32. Liam Mitchell (Philosophy)
  33. Charles Rich (Philosophy)
  34. Olivia Churchwell (Classics)
  35. Brendan Sorrell (Philosophy)
  36. Tehniyat Naveed (Philosophy)
  37. Yuta Kato (Philosophy)
  38. Shafi Noss (Philosophy)
  39. Zoƫ Gregozek (Philosophy)
  40. Lixuan Chen (Philosophy)
  41. Monroe Stephenson (Philosophy)
  42. Yue Xi (Philosophy)
  43. David DeMatteo (Philosophy)
  44. Coleman Gariety (Philosophy)
  45. Liam Duckworth (Philosophy)
  46. YiyuanLi Yiyuan (Political Philosophy)
  47. Gary Granger (Ministry of Mischief)
  48. Tobias Rubel Janssen ()