PhilPapers at Rice University

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Rice University. It is likely that many other users at Rice University are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Rice University for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

122 registered users found. 115 displayed (7 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Alexander Morgan (Philosophy)
  2. Timothy Schroeder (Philosophy)
  3. Steven Crowell (Philosophy)
  4. Donald Morrison (Philosophy)
  5. George Sher (Philosophy)
  6. Joseph Clarke (English)
  7. Charles Siewert (Philosophy)
  8. Elias Bongmba (Religion)
  9. Gwen Bradford (Philosophy)
  10. Timothy Morton (English Literature)
  11. James Hackett (Religion)
  12. Wendy Freeman (French)
  13. Elizabeth Brake (Philosophy)
  14. Uriah Kriegel (Philosophy)
  15. Samuel Reis-Dennis (Philosophy)
  16. Thimo Heisenberg (Philosophy)
  17. Robert Howell (Philosophy)
  18. Amy Berg (Philosophy)
  19. Ian Harmon (Philosophy)
  20. Richard Grandy (Philosophy)
  21. W. Strew (Philosophy)
  22. Brian T. Miller (Philosophy)
  23. Carolyn Adams (Humanities)
  24. DeAndrea Smither (Philosophy)
  25. Christine Dobbin (Philosophy)
  26. Eric Qi (Philosophy)
  27. Ewa Thompson (Philosophy Slavic Studies)

Graduate student

  1. Christopher Dohna (Philosophy)
  2. Martha Perez (Philosophy)
  3. James Andrus (Philosophy)
  4. Danielle Wenner (Philosophy)
  5. Patrick Dwyer (Liberal Studies)
  6. Victor Saenz (Philosophy)
  7. Jacob Kolman (Philosophy)
  8. Jesse David Slavens (Philosophy)
  9. Guy L. McClung III (Philosophy)
  10. Joseph Quinton Adams (Philosophy)
  11. Daniel Burkett (Philosophy)
  12. David Erdel (Philosophy)
  13. Bruce Yaeger (Religious Studies)
  14. Joshua Reagan (Philosophy)
  15. Nicholas Barry (Philosophy)
  16. Derrick Gray (Philosophy)
  17. Itohan Idumwonyi (Religion)
  18. Samuel Huang (Philosophy)
  19. Simon Cox (Religion)
  20. Maxwell Max (Philosophy)
  21. A. E. Gardner (Philosophy)
  22. Jamale Nagi (Philosophy)
  23. Kayla Rainey (Philosophy)
  24. Stijn Talloen (Philosophy)
  25. Derek Miller (Philosophy)
  26. Daniel Pinto (Philosophy)
  27. Christian Blacet (Philosophy)
  28. Dallas Havens (Philosophy)
  29. Anton Dolmatov (Philosophy)
  30. Paul Mayer (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
  31. Jie Chen (Philosophy)
  32. Anton Skretta (Philosophy)
  33. Keith Lui (Philosophy)
  34. Cameron Green (Philosophy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Joe Blow (Engineering)
  2. Arturo Munoz (Philosophy)
  3. Tommy Mitchell (Philosophy)
  4. Lauren Kirton (Mathematical Economic Analysis)
  5. Nicholas Riggall (Philosophy)
  6. Carolyn Branecky (Philosophy)
  7. Benjamin Lynch (Philosophy)
  8. Eli Spector (Philosophy)
  9. Jason Onwenu (Philosophy)
  10. Heather Olson (Philosophy)
  11. Kaylen Strench (Philosophy)
  12. Victoria Alvarez-Arango (Political Science)
  13. Andrew Dunlap (Philosophy)
  14. Chris Kartalia (Philosophy)
  15. Chelsey Harris (Health Sciences)
  16. Reagan Kapp (English)
  17. Flora M. Chen (Philosophy)
  18. Allison Gregg (Philosophy)
  19. Annalena Riebeling (Philosophy)
  20. Juan-Pablo Cajiga-Pena (Philosophy)
  21. Doris Xu (Mechanical Engineering)
  22. Jack Miller (Philosophy)
  23. Minranda Robinson-Davis (Philosophy)
  24. Scott Talafuse (Computer Science)
  25. Michelle Depenbrock (Multidisciplinary)
  26. Joseph Goetz ()