PhilPapers at Saint Louis University

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Saint Louis University. It is likely that many other users at Saint Louis University are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Saint Louis University for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

218 registered users found. 207 displayed (11 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Joe Salerno (Philosophy)
  2. Jonathan D. Jacobs (Philosophy)
  3. Scott Berman (Philosophy)
  4. Kent Staley (Philosophy)
  5. James Charles McCollum (Philosophy)
  6. Susan Brower-Toland (Philosophy)
  7. Dan Haybron (Philosophy)
  8. Gregory Beabout (Philosophy)
  9. Jack Marler (Philosophy)
  10. Jeffrey Bishop (Philosophy, bioethics)
  11. Ruth Groff ()
  12. Penny Weiss (Women's and Gender Studies)
  13. Louel Lagasca (Computer Science)
  14. Oli Olidup (Law)
  15. Nelwyn Tejada (Education)
  16. Eleonore Stump (Philosophy)
  17. Jason Eberl (Bioethics, Philosophy)
  18. Danilo Alterado (Philosophy)
  19. Helen De Cruz (Philosophy)
  20. John Greco (Philosophy)
  21. Robert Strikwerda (Philosophy)
  22. John Peck, SJ (Philosophy)
  23. Pedro McDade (Philosophy)
  24. Scott Ragland (Philosophy)
  25. William Rehg (Philosophy)
  26. Elizabeth Jackson (Philosophy)
  27. Candace Attah (Philosophy)
  28. Brian Cameron (Philosophy)
  29. Ross Inman (Philosophy)
  30. Lauren Kersey (Philosophy)
  31. Bob Smarny (Philosophy)
  32. Ronald W. Crown (Philosophy)
  33. Kimberly Lopez (Philosophy)
  34. Errin Clark (Philosophy)
  35. Wendy Eustaquio (Religion and Philosophy)
  36. Matthew Piper (Philosophy)
  37. Benjamin Davis (African American Studies)
  38. Johan De Smedt (Philosophy)
  39. Michael Miller (Ethics)

Graduate student

  1. Ben Hart (Philosophy)
  2. John Putz (Philosophy)
  3. Britt Cloud (Philosophy)
  4. Bosco Ho (Philosophy)
  5. Robyn Gaier (Philosophy)
  6. Errin Clark (Philosophy)
  7. Joshua Johnson (Philosophy)
  8. Chong Yuan (Philosophy)
  9. David Packman (Philosophy)
  10. Quan Jin (Philosophy)
  11. John Min (Philosophy)
  12. Joyce Ann Mallare (Philosophy)
  13. Ron Belgau (Philosophy)
  14. Nicholas Zavediuk (Philosophy)
  15. Ben Conover (Philosophy)
  16. Juan Estoque (Philosophy)
  17. Ike Bressler (Law)
  18. Dane Muckler (Philosophy)
  19. Terrilynn Quillen (Nursing)
  20. Jonathan H. Nelson (Philosophy)
  21. Christopher Hoolihan (Law)
  22. Justin Noia (Philosophy)
  23. Shahram Emran (Philosophy)
  24. Amanda Hine (Philosophy)
  25. Beth Rath (Philosophy)
  26. Gideon Jeffrey (Philosophy)
  27. Tedla Woldeyohannes (Philosophy)
  28. Jason Chen (Philosophy)
  29. Hugo Rojas (Aquinas Institute)
  30. Froidelyn Fernandez (Philosophy)
  31. Sean Hagerty (Philosophy)
  32. Audra Goodnight (Philosophy)
  33. Corey Katz (Philosophy)
  34. Luis Pinto De Sa (Philosophy)
  35. Richard Kling (Education)
  36. MaryCelina Kay (Philosophy)
  37. Brandon Walker (Philosophy)
  38. James Kintz (Philosophy)
  39. Sean Oliveira (Law)
  40. Ferdinand Calinawan (Philosophy)
  41. Katherine Sweet (Philosophy)
  42. Jonathan Nebel (Philosophy)
  43. Yiling Zhou (Philosophy)
  44. Kieran Halloran (Philosophy)
  45. Leslie Dunlap (Philosophy)
  46. Ester Alikes (Business and Economics)
  47. Carmi Caramto (Philosophy)
  48. Alexandra Romanyshyn (Philosophy)
  49. Derek Estes (Philosophy)
  50. Montaque Reynolds (Philosophy)
  51. Cecilia Nicklaus (Philosophy)
  52. Joel Carini (Philosophy)
  53. Nicholas Sparks (Philosophy)
  54. Ataollah Hashemi (Philosophy)
  55. William Hannegan (Philosophy)
  56. Patrick Fisher, SJ (Philosophy)
  57. Adrian Patrick McCaffery (Philosophy)
  58. Caleb Estep (Philosophy)
  59. Jacob Huls (Philosophy)
  60. Alexander Zhang (Philosophy)
  61. Menashe Chaim Roberts (Philosophy)
  62. C. L. Gonzalez (Philosophy)
  63. Ryan Powers (Philosophy)
  64. TImothy Eshing (Philosophy)
  65. Daniel Grasso (Philosophy)
  66. Pedro Rapallo Zubillaga (Philosophy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Florence Pedro (Philosophy)
  2. Michele Kilgore (Philosophy)
  3. Rachel Priester (Philosophy)
  4. Molly Sheridan (undecided)
  5. Anthony Enriquez (Engineering)
  6. Filipa Neri (Philosophy)
  7. Nathan Watson (Philosophy)
  8. Ehryel Tacio (Philosophy)
  9. Anu Pulikkan (Philosophy)
  10. Karen Johnson (Nursing)
  11. Mohammad Nayebpour (Philosophy)
  12. Alex Mai (Communication Sciences and Disorders)
  13. Yolonda Turner (Philosophy)
  14. June Lyn (Philosophy)
  15. Michele Ruggeri (Nursing)
  16. Hilda Rendon (Art History)
  17. Landley Bernardo (Philosophy)
  18. Louis Greubel (English)
  19. Martin Cabrera (Philosophy)
  20. Jason Mubarak (Philosophy)
  21. Nick Borella (Philosophy)
  22. Katie Delaney Gittemeier (Philosophy)
  23. Sunita Chand (Philosophy, Theology)
  24. Aman Patel (Philosophy)
  25. Carolyn Hardman (Philosophy)
  26. Jessica Sanchez (Philosophy)
  27. DeSheila Hatcher (Philosophy)
  28. Ashley Firle (Philosophy)
  29. Michael Mungovan (Philosophy)
  30. Eric Pitlyk (Philosophy)
  31. Kelly Lopez (Philosophy)
  32. Katherine Grace Stanziola (Philosophy)
  33. Jennifer Brennan (Philosophy)
  34. Kendra Hardiek (Philosophy)
  35. Deidre Childs (Philosophy)
  36. Samuel Zandi (Sports Business)
  37. Paulo Dela Fuente (Philosophy)
  38. Kathrina Silva (Architecture)
  39. Valerie Fuller (Philosophy)
  40. Benedick John Tapaoan (Philosophy)
  41. Brady Wolf (Anthropology)
  42. Ana Carolin A. Constante (Neuroscience)
  43. Miranda Jagels (Philosophy)
  44. Cwinney Mae Mae (Psychology)
  45. Lexi Hucker (Philosophy)
  46. Aliya Baker (Nursing)
  47. Kathryn Fuller (Philosophy)
  48. Eliza Skemp (Philosophy)
  49. Madeline Gerard (Philosophy)
  50. Emmanuel Alba (Political Science)
  51. Emily McCarthy (Philosophy)
  52. Daniel Joseph (Philosophy)
  53. Stewart Clem (Philosophy)
  54. Sarah Reando (Philosophy)
  55. Sara Perez (Philosophy)
  56. Eresources Slu (Philosophy)