PhilPapers at San Diego State University

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with San Diego State University. It is likely that many other users at San Diego State University are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left San Diego State University for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

77 registered users found. 75 displayed (2 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Robert Francescotti (Philosophy)
  2. Naida Austin (Business Ethics)
  3. Joseph A. Stramondo (Philosophy)
  4. Mary Galbraith (English)
  5. Rebecca Bartel (Religion)
  6. Steven Barbone (Philosophy)
  7. Khaleel Mohammed (Philosophy)
  8. Esme G. Murdock (American Indian Studies)
  9. Sandra A. Wawrytko (Philosophy)
  10. Pam Fox (Philosophy)
  11. Genco Guralp (Philosophy)
  12. Tawny Whaley (Philosophy)
  13. Nathan Linker (Philosophy)
  14. Haley Zambrovitz (Philosophy)
  15. Cathy Pham (Philosophy)
  16. Rachel Monk (Philosophy)
  17. Matthew Davis (Philosophy)
  18. Steven Grace (Philosophy)
  19. Marie Draz (Philosophy)
  20. Roderick Freeman (Philosophy)
  21. Leon Rosenstein (Philosophy)

Graduate student

  1. Mengxi Li (ACCOUNTING)
  2. Hyo-Sook Lee (Linguistics)
  3. Todd Clark (Philosophy)
  4. Michael Matthew (Political Science)
  5. Tita Gray (Education)
  6. Michael Roach (Philosophy)
  7. George Schieck (Philosophy)
  8. Kristin Agnes (Rhetoric and Writing Studies)
  9. Larry Schiereck (Philosophy)
  10. Melanie Mashburn (Social Work)
  11. Karen Cowan (Philosophy)
  12. Abraham Garcia Casillas (Philosophy)
  13. Marian Cuevas (Liberal Arts and Sciences)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Japheth Cleaver (Philosophy)
  2. John Vicencio (Philosophy)
  3. Stephen Collins (Philosophy)
  4. Salvador Cuevas-Macias (Psychology)
  5. Clark Rhodes (Philosophy)
  6. E. Howe (Philosophy)
  7. Rochelle Rahe (Philosophy)
  8. Nik Tellings (Political science)
  9. Joey Dagostino (business)
  10. Ari Lieberman (Philosophy)
  11. Rj Altares (Political science)
  12. Eriva Eriva (Philosophy)
  13. Cheyenne King (Liberal Studies)
  14. Henry Wan (Philosophy)
  15. Cecilia Zaccarelli (Philosophy)
  16. Sophy Daneault (International Security and Conflict Resolution)
  17. Monica Acevedo (Philosophy)
  18. Julia Strobel (Philosophy)
  19. Sarah Ashkanani (civil engineering)
  20. Paige Conroy (Philosophy)
  21. Karen Key (Psychology)
  22. Alicia None (Philosophy)
  23. Jessica Courtney (Philosophy)
  24. Frank Borer Jr. (English Literature)
  25. Adriana Adri (Philosophy)
  26. Lacie Landrum (Speech Language Hearing Sciences)
  27. Jessica Jessie (Philosophy)
  28. Katie Effertz (Philosophy)
  29. Daniela Arrey (Philosophy)
  30. Natalia Moss (Philosophy)
  31. Ginger Muttschall (Art)
  32. Johanna Aguilar (Philosophy)
  33. Lela Tvaliashvili (Philosophy)
  34. Marcela Massaglia (Philosophy)
  35. Sara Gould (Child and Family development)
  36. Karen Murillo (Philosophy)
  37. Abdulwadood Qazi (Philosophy)
  38. Bradley Pierce (Philosophy)
  39. Kendall Branton (Philosophy)
  40. Kimberly Kennelly (Philosophy)