PhilPapers at School of Oriental and African Studies

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with School of Oriental and African Studies. It is likely that many other users at School of Oriental and African Studies are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left School of Oriental and African Studies for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

91 registered users found. 90 displayed (1 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Wynn Chao (Linguistics)
  2. Stacey Pierson (History of Art)
  3. Tom Young (Politics)
  4. Patrizia Pacioni (Linguistics)
  5. Martin Hugh Prior (Linguistics)
  6. Anjali Prashar-Savoie (Anthropology)
  7. Gerald Hawting (History)
  8. Alison Scott-Baumann (Philosophy)
  9. Paul Giladi (Philosophy)
  10. Rebecca Ruth Gould (Philosophy)
  11. Jan Westerhoff (Study of Religion)
  12. Haneen Naamneh (Philosophy)
  13. Edward Garrett (Linguistics)
  14. Gefei Wang (Philosophy)
  15. Sonia Languille (Education)
  16. Afaf Jabiri (Gender)
  17. Thomas Pitto (Philosophy)
  18. Alena Rettova (Philosophy)
  19. Antonella Iavazzo (Philosophy)
  20. Gareth Bentley (Media)
  21. Fernando Ageo (Philosophy)
  22. Anubhav Jain (Department of Religions and Philosophies)
  23. Cosimo Zene (Philosophy, Anthropology, Study of Religion)

Graduate student

  1. Marcus Mason (Philosophy, Law, International Relations)
  2. Alice Kenrick (Economics)
  3. Matthaios Tsimitakis (Anthropology)
  4. Muhammad Rahman (Philosophy)
  5. Nayar Ali (Law)
  6. Ghalib Lone (Law)
  7. Kigensan Stephan Licha (Study of Religions)
  8. Takashi Hashimoto (Philosophy)
  9. Shrimati Balram (Media and Cultural Studies)
  10. Aleksandra Gordeeva (Religion)
  11. Dina Haji Husli (Philosophy)
  12. Catherine Huser (Philosophy)
  13. Michelle L. Wilson (Development)
  14. David Zukas (Art & Archaeology)
  15. Danielle Maisano (Philosophy)
  16. Adam Pearcey (Religious Studies)
  17. Dorota Kozaczuk (Philosophy)
  18. Sara Peterson (Art history)
  19. Svetoslav Minchev (Linguistics)
  20. Adir Bar Yohanan (Music)
  21. Basani Baloyi (Economics)
  22. Josua Rüegger (Development Studies)
  23. Revathy Vijayakumar (Philosophy)
  24. Martin Legallais (Development)
  25. Pankhuri Agarwal (Development Studies)
  26. Ronit Wang (Religions)
  27. Andrew Michael Dalton (Diplomacy)
  28. Laila Alodaat (Law)
  29. Carrie Middleditch (Korean Literature)
  30. Marta Gionco (Philosophy)
  31. Will Odogwu (Law)
  32. Malou Schueller (Violence, Conflict and Development)
  33. Ian Herbertson (Philosophy)
  34. Anne Gray (Philosophy)
  35. Madhav Nayar (History)
  36. Skyler Oudega (Anthropology)
  37. Paula Kaminska (Philosophy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Noemi Franco (Philosophy)
  2. Hope Blandamer (Politics and Economics)
  3. Yang Wnag (Philosophy)
  4. Filip Rambousek (Study of Religions)
  5. Sheraz Qureshi (History)
  6. William George Pearson (Chinese and Religious Studies)
  7. Anna Nyquist (Philosophy)
  8. Robin Caprea (Politics)
  9. Andre Lozach (Politics)
  10. Francis Beechinor (Philosophy)
  11. Richard Galber (Philosophy)
  12. Isma Salma (International Relations)
  13. Maria Jouravleva (International Relations)
  14. Teodora Pampaloni (Soacial Anthropology)
  15. Sarish Amjid (History)
  16. Farra Ali (Politics)
  17. Louise Hantson (Anthropology)
  18. Marco Del Del Gallo (Philosophy)
  19. Elizabeth Buchanan (History)
  20. Helena Hanson (Philosophy)
  21. R. Man (Philosophy)
  22. Lucie Fournier (Philosophy)
  23. Fred Gravenor (Philosophy)
  24. Agnes Collet (Philosophy)
  25. Emma Holdsworth (International Relations)
  26. Rachel Scofield (Philosophy)
  27. Danae Miserocchi (Philosophy)
  28. Richard Story (Chinese Buddhism)