PhilPapers at Swansea University

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Swansea University. It is likely that many other users at Swansea University are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Swansea University for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

63 registered users found. 62 displayed (1 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Robyn Saddington (Philosophy)
  2. Andrew Halpin (Law)
  3. Mario Von Der Ruhr (Philosophy)
  4. Beverley Karen Williams (Management)
  5. Mike Franklin (English)
  6. Angela Rekers-Power (student services)
  7. Mike McNamee (Philosophy)
  8. Carolyn Oliver-Hall (Philosophy)
  9. Jenni Jenkins (Philosophy)
  10. Anna Bortolan (Philosophy)
  11. Paddy McQueen (Philosophy)
  12. Jane Gatley (Philosophy of Education)
  13. Robert Knowles (Philosophy)
  14. Chantal Patel (Philosophy)
  15. Tai Popoola (Law)
  16. Mark Evans (Philosophy)
  17. Richard Startup ()

Graduate student

  1. Lizzie Greenaway (Development and Human Rights)
  2. Fay Morley (Philosophy)
  3. Stephen Field (Health Law and Ethics)
  4. Ashley Howey (Political Science)
  5. Andreas Larsson (Psychology)
  6. Daniel Stenning (Elecronics)
  7. Roxanna Jesse Lynch (Philosophy)
  8. Karzan Mahmood (Philosophy)
  9. Xiaosheng Chen (Philosophy)
  10. Alyson Jenkins (Education)
  11. Melissa Pawelski (Geography)
  12. Steve Yap (Medicine)
  13. Emilia Ardouin (Translation)
  14. L. Nash (Philosophy)
  15. Evgeniia Tetelbaum (Philosophy)
  16. Olugbenga Fayehun (International Journalism)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Doug Hunt (Politics and History)
  2. Anthony Paul Seddon (Philosophy)
  3. Cassie Leigh Robson (international relations)
  4. Sian Thomas (education)
  5. Lynsey Norris (Philosophy)
  6. Rita Kinsella (History)
  7. Aamir Shahid (Business)
  8. Zoe Shoemark (humaniities)
  9. Francis Evans (Psychology)
  10. Victoria Hussey (Philosophy)
  11. Casey Gameson (Philosophy)
  12. Owain Brooks (History)
  13. Sara Langdon (Psychology)
  14. Natalia Orosz (Business)
  15. Franc Kunda (Philosophy)
  16. Leah Govia (Philosophy)
  17. Murtala Mubashiru (Philosophy)
  18. Alex Cossee (Philosophy)
  19. Rebecca Radcliiffe (Philosophy)
  20. Jemma Hughes (History)
  21. Alexandra Carr (Sports science)
  22. Andrea Garvey (law)
  23. Lucy Appleby (Geography)
  24. Richard Johnson (Economics and Business)
  25. Lisa Bray (Ppsychology)
  26. Diana de Meijer (Politics)
  27. Masae Aida (chemistry)