PhilPapers at Swinburne University of Technology

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Swinburne University of Technology. It is likely that many other users at Swinburne University of Technology are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Swinburne University of Technology for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

60 registered users found. 60 displayed (0 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Ken Friedman (Design)
  2. Arran Gare (Philosophy)
  3. Ruth Abbey (Philosophy)
  4. Jack Parry (Philosophy, Animation, Biology)
  5. Geoffrey Ian Drummond (Philosophy)
  6. Cathy Chua (Technology)
  7. Gareth Boardman (Philosophy/Theoretical Physics)
  8. Emma Kate Aiken (Philosophy)
  9. Li Penelop P. Penelop PP (construciton risk management)

Graduate student

  1. Laila Hugrass (Neuroscience)
  2. Traci Hammond (Philosophy)
  3. Julie Gelman (Philosophy)
  4. Allan Phillips (education)
  5. Suri Saripalle (Philosophy)
  6. Juliana Lobo De Queiroz (Philosophy)
  7. Mark Yanni (education)
  8. Krstna Nemkul (MIT)
  9. Kat LeBon (Business)
  10. Janice Mills (Arts)
  11. Nat Trimarchi (Philosophy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Caitlin Roberts (Philosophy)
  2. Sarah Lac (Philosophy)
  3. Wan Sya (Engineering)
  4. Jann Bainbridge (Philosophy)
  5. Wilma Smith (Psychology)
  6. Ross Wallace (Philosophy)
  7. Natalie Macgregor (journalism)
  8. Eva Matthews (Psychology)
  9. Greg Miele (Philosophy)
  10. Stefanie Matthews (Criminology)
  11. Celeste Coyne (Philosophy)
  12. Georg Potaris (Philosophy)
  13. Natlie Robertson (Business)
  14. Kate Hookey (Philosophy)
  15. Kristie Pywell (Philosophy)
  16. Hala Kodsi (Education)
  17. Georgia Parker (Philosophy)
  18. Ryan Klein (media)
  19. Renee Murray (Education)
  20. Susan Mary Hamilton (Education)
  21. Bree-Anna Leibhardt (Education)
  22. Racheal Allen (Sociology)
  23. Johann Nocker (Philosophy)
  24. Kim Reid (Criminology)
  25. Kester Falge (Education)
  26. Jessica Hamilton (Philosophy)
  27. Melanie Tranquille (Educaion)
  28. Izabela Bella (Philosophy)
  29. Peta Martin (Psychology)
  30. Alannah Dragovic (journalism)
  31. Alexandra Louise Dunk (Education)
  32. Sofia Hak (Philosophy)
  33. Leyla McCarthy (Philosophy)
  34. John Higgins (teaching)
  35. Jordyn Bracegirdle (Philosophy)
  36. Jo Collins (Teaching)
  37. Michelle Kelsen (Philosophy)
  38. Kim Johnston-Gimbert (Philosophy)
  39. Lina Di Bartolo (Media)
  40. Anne Newstead (Education)