PhilPapers at the University of Adelaide

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with the University of Adelaide. It is likely that many other users at the University of Adelaide are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left the University of Adelaide for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

127 registered users found. 118 displayed (9 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Antony Eagle (Philosophy)
  2. Ian Leader-Elliott (law)
  3. Jordi Fernandez (Philosophy)
  4. Henry Rose (Law and Anthropology)
  5. Courtney Miller (Music)
  6. John Dunn (Psychology)
  7. Rachel Allyson Ankeny (Philosophy)
  8. Jonathan Opie (Philosophy)
  9. Han Baltussen (Philosophy)
  10. Pei-Hua Huang (Philosophy)
  11. Stephanie Sheintul (Philosophy)
  12. Sophie A. W. Calabretto (Philosophy)
  13. Samantha Gold (Philosophy)
  14. John B. Gill (Philosophy)
  15. Robert Hall (Philosophy)
  16. Peter Quigley (Philosophy)
  17. Gary Clark (Biological Anthropology)
  18. Peet PEEt (Philosophy)
  19. Alexandra Papanikolaou (Philosophy)
  20. Mick Draper (Philosophy)
  21. Leonard Daniel Long (Philosophy)
  22. Dr Georgina Downey (Philosophy)
  23. Paul Edward Oppenheimer (Philosophy)
  24. John Francis Powell (Architecture)
  25. James Vlachoulis (Philosophy)
  26. Steven Norris (Philosophy)
  27. Atheer Al-Khalfa (Philosophy)
  28. Gerard O'Brien (Philosophy)
  29. Keith Dear (Biostatistics)

Graduate student

  1. A. Harwood (Public Health)
  2. Kathryn Koromilas (Creative Writing)
  3. Paul Lee (Psychological Science)
  4. Dook Shepherd (Philosophy)
  5. Amin Zargarian (Applied Linguistics)
  6. Stephen Richards (Health Science)
  7. Neophytos Georgiou (Psychology)
  8. Bree Wyeth (psychiatry)
  9. Matthew Nestor (Philosophy)
  10. Oliver Lack (Philosophy and Cognitive Science)
  11. Susie Greenwood (Linguistics)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Matthew Nestor (Philosophy)
  2. Robert Q. Porter (Philosophy)
  3. Tom Windram (Philosophy / Psychology)
  4. Steven Griffin (Philosophy)
  5. Phil Wollen (Philosophy)
  6. Emma Riley (Philosophy)
  7. Jarrad Molloy (Philosophy)
  8. Carol Andersen (Philosophy)
  9. Lauren Ashley Bonson (Philosophy)
  10. Manisha Schrapel (Philosophy)
  11. Tom Barnes (Philosophy)
  12. Joshua Isaac Leard (Philosophy)
  13. Daniella Wasinski (Philosophy)
  14. Justin McArthur (Philosophy)
  15. Anthony Cormack (business)
  16. Andrew Reeves (Psychology)
  17. Elenora Bulteau (Philosophy)
  18. Emma Childs (Health Science)
  19. Mark Lim (Philosophy)
  20. Matt Ryan Hutchinson (Philosophy)
  21. Leroy Vie (Philosophy)
  22. Trent Robert Bowden (Philosophy)
  23. Charm Chhun (Philosophy)
  24. Hannah Gold (Philosophy)
  25. Jonathon Jimmies (Philosophy)
  26. Tor Barry (Philosophy)
  27. Margie Hookway (Philosophy)
  28. Jordan Skinner (Psychology/Philosophy)
  29. Jaye Hines (Philosophy)
  30. Joshua Fordyce (Politics and International Studies; Economics)
  31. Jhi Bruton (Philosophy)
  32. Scott Thompson (Philosophy)
  33. Bea Hanna (Philosophy)
  34. Kenneth Alexander (history)
  35. Mark Branch (Philosophy)
  36. Harley Morphett (Philosophy)
  37. Molly Braid (Philosophy)
  38. Karl Lindsay Krueger (Philosophy)
  39. Matthew Hein (Philosophy)
  40. Alexis Halls (Nursing)
  41. Daniela Albornoz (Nursing)
  42. Adam J. Korabelnikoff (Psychology, Philosophy)
  43. Shane Bartholomew (Philosophy)
  44. Vincent Liew (Philosophy)
  45. Aidan Spilsbury (Philosophy)
  46. Enas Hussain (Philosophy)
  47. Beatriz MARTINHO (Philosophy)
  48. Jessica Williams (Philosophy)
  49. Anthony Bishop (Philosophy)
  50. Brooke Bella Balogh (Philosophy)
  51. Tom Galindo (Philosophy)
  52. Starling Cornelia (Philosophy)
  53. Julianne Caust (Philosophy)
  54. Fereshta Afzali (Philosophy)
  55. Nicholas Irving (Philosophy)
  56. Spencer Fullgrabe (Philosophy)
  57. Eliza Robertson (Philosophy)
  58. Cassandra Nicolas (Psychology)
  59. Samuel Madsen (Philosophy)
  60. Melvin A. Craig (Kivinen) (Philosophy)
  61. Kar Chong Low (Philosophy)
  62. Edward Gilchrist (Philosophy)
  63. Lilith Edge (Philosophy)
  64. Ella Onofrio (Health and Medical Science)
  65. Ella Rook (Philosophy)
  66. Benjamin O'Connor (Law, Politics and Philosophy)
  67. Riley Nic (Philosophy)
  68. Paul C. Martin (Philosophy)
  69. Caleb Pounder-Collins (Politics)
  70. Jack Valmadre (Computer Science)