PhilPapers at Universidad de Antioquia

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Universidad de Antioquia. It is likely that many other users at Universidad de Antioquia are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Universidad de Antioquia for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

86 registered users found. 76 displayed (10 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Jorge Antonio Mejia (Philosophy)
  2. Santiago Arango-Munoz (Philosophy)
  3. Carlos Vanegas Z. (Philosophy)
  4. Juan Carlos Gallego-Gomez (Medicine & Biology)
  5. Sergio H. Orozco-Echeverri (Philosophy)
  6. Andrés-Francisco Contreras (Philosophy)
  7. Alfredo Constain (medicine)
  8. Yuranis Escamilla (foreing languages)
  9. Erika Montoya (Salud Pública)
  10. Leandro Sánchez Marín (Philosophy)
  11. Aníbal Pineda Canabal (Philosophy)
  12. Angel Rivera-Novoa (Philosophy)
  13. Liliana Carolina Sánchez Castro (Philosophy)
  14. Carlos Garzón-Rodríguez (Philosophy)
  15. Monica Alexandra Puentes Araujo (Philosophy)
  16. Martha Wolff (biology)
  17. Andrés Giraldo (Philosophy)
  18. Jerónimo Narváez (Philosophy)
  19. Paula Andrea Restrepo (Philosophy)
  20. Revista Versiones (Philosophy)
  21. Natalia Natalia (Philosophy)
  22. Maria Teresa Lopera Chaves (Philosophy)
  23. Correcciones Ortográficas (Philosophy)
  24. Bernardo Ruiz (Philosophy)
  25. Mónica López (Philosophy)
  26. Nany Ortiz (Educación)
  27. Mauricio Pato (Philosophy)
  28. Manuela Vives (Philosophy)
  29. Yadira Marcela Yadira (Philosophy)
  30. Lina Lina (Philosophy)
  31. Felipe Ochoa (Philosophy)

Graduate student

  1. Sebastian Sanchez (Philosophy)
  2. Mery Castillo (Philosophy)
  3. Alberto Yepes (Philosophy)
  4. Natalia Galvis (Philosophy)
  5. Carolina Marín (Ciencias Sociales)
  6. Luz H. Gutiérrez (Medicine)
  7. Fernanda Arias (Sociology)
  8. Elizabeth Palacio (Philosophy)
  9. Carolina Restrepo (Education)
  10. María Isabel Zapata (Philosophy)
  11. Jhoan Sebastian David Giraldo (Philosophy)
  12. Paula Andrea Giraldo Pimienta (Philosophy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Andrea Jaramillo (Filología)
  2. Emmanuel Jack (Languages)
  3. Luis Morales (Philosophy)
  4. Richard Cano (Philosophy)
  5. Doris Ospina (Philosophy)
  6. Emiro Garcia (Philosophy)
  7. Elizabeth Cardona (Philosophy)
  8. Sara Díaz (Philosophy)
  9. Alejandra Vanegas (Sociology)
  10. Edwin Fernando Nandito (Philosophy)
  11. Daniela Galvis (Philosophy)
  12. Andrés Cortés García (Philosophy)
  13. Katherine Restrepo Quintero (Philosophy)
  14. Jhon David (Artes)
  15. Andres Granda (Philosophy)
  16. Marta Fernández Espinosa (Philosophy)
  17. Jhonny Jaramillo (Pedagogía)
  18. Juan Camilo Hincapié (Philosophy)
  19. Liberty Summers (Psychology)
  20. Ernesto Elohim (Philosophy)
  21. Daniel Ramírez Bolívar (Philosophy)
  22. Jacobo Morales Ochoa (Philosophy)
  23. Laura Eusse (Philosophy)
  24. Juan F. Álvarez (Philosophy)
  25. Sara Vásquez (Philosophy)
  26. José Agudelo-Londoño (Philosophy)
  27. Juan Gamboa (Philosophy)
  28. Sandra Ríos (Philosophy)
  29. Ana Maria ARTEAGA CEBALLOS (Derecho - economía)
  30. Yuranis Escamilla (Philosophy)